Re: lug-bg: WebMessenger
- Subject: Re: lug-bg: WebMessenger
- From: long@xxxxxx (Al)
- Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 08:50:48 +0200
>Join the winners' team!
>WebMessenger Inc., a fast growing multinational software development
>headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, with offices in New York, Sofia and
>is looking for Software Professionals
>with 2+ years extensive experience under Linux, Solaris or NT:
>1. Programmers: Visual C++/MFC, Win32 API, DCOM;
>2. Web Developers: e-commerce, Java/HTML, TCP/IP Networking, Oracle.
Abe prekrasno syobshtenie, ama dali mqstoto mu e tuk. Ne ste li se zamislqli
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