lug-bg: KDE sound problem
- Subject: lug-bg: KDE sound problem
- From: jhs@xxxxxx (Ivan Petrov)
- Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 23:33:11 +0200
[linux 2.4.1 s neobhodimite za nego pkg updates, XFree86 4.0.2, KDE
2.0.1, es1370]
1. pri "./configure" na kdelibs package uporito kazva, che niamam
libaudiofile, i
che moga da ia vzema ot kdesupport-a (kojto veche sam instaliral)
- imam si ia i vliza v opisanieto ot /etc/
- izpalnil sam ldconfig
2. prepolagam kato rezultat ot tova pri startirane na KDE ne se startira
aRtsd-to. No kato go pusna na sled tova (artsd -F 5 -S 8192 &) moga
da slusham
muzika (kaiman, xmms), no KDE ne moje da mi izvadi nito edin zvuk ot
"System notifications", kato mi vadi slednia dump:
artsd: static class ::Arts::Synth_PLAY_WAV_base *
::Arts::Synth_PLAY_WAV_base::_create(const class string & =
"Arts::Synth_PLAY_WAV"): Assertion `skel' failed.
[1]+ Aborted artsd -F 5 -S 8192
3. pri "./configure" na kdemultimedia (a moje bi ne e samo tam)
./configure: cmp: command not found
admin/ltconfig: cmp: command not found
./configure: cmp: command not found
kakvo e tova cmp ?? sresta se taka "if cmp ......... then ... else
.... fi"
4. probvah s esd, no _uporito_ "./configure" na kdemultimedia kazva, che
takova nesto v moeto PC nema !!?
(da, parvonachalno me napliu, che esd triabva da e pone 0.2.7, OK,
slojih mu 0.2.8).
sled "./configure --enable-audio=esd" sledva slednata kartinka :
checking enable_audio=esd...
checking for esd-config... (cached) no
checking for ESD - version >= 0.2.7... no
*** The esd-config script installed by ESD could not be found
*** If ESD was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the ESD_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to esd-config.
izlishno e da se povtariam, che vsichki tia raboti sa si tochno tam,
kadeto gi tarsi, no zasto, li ne gi namira ?
Jivi i zdravi !!!
Ivan Petrov
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