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Re: lug-bg: repliezzzz...

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: repliezzzz...
  • From: zimage@xxxxxxxxx (Theodor Milkov)
  • Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 10:29:34 +0300

On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 07:31:53PM +0300, Stanislav Lechev wrote:
> ami mnogo prosto ako si izpusnal prednoto msg nqma da znesh za kwo stawa duma
> a na tebe kwo ti prechat reply-ite ???

Ïðå÷àò ñ òîâà, ÷å çà 2 äóìè îòãîâîð (ïîíèàêîãà 1 ñúþç è 1 ìåñòîèìåíèå) ñå
èçïðàùàò ïî 10-15ê ñúîáùåíèÿ. Íÿìà íà÷èí äà íå ñè âèæäàë íåùî îò ñîðòà (äà ñå
÷åòå äî êðàÿ):

---> cut <---

> Âèæòå êàêúâ ñòðàøåí âèðóñ!
> ME:
>         Hybris
>   ALIAS:
>         IWorm_Hybris, I-Worm.Hybris
>   Hybris is an Internet worm that spreads itself as an attachment to email messages. The worm works under
>   Win32 systems only. The worm contains components (plugins) in its code that are executed depending on
>   what worm needs, and these components can be upgraded from an Internet Web site. The major worm
>   versions are encrypted with semi-polymorphic encryption loop. 
>   The worm contains the following encrypted text strings: 
>    (c) Vecna
>   The main worm's target on computes it tries to infect is the WSOCK32.DLL library. While infecting this DLL
>   the worm: 
>   - writes itself to the end of last file section - hooks "connect", "recv", "send" functions - modifies DLL entry
>   routine address (a routine that is activated 
>     when DLL file is being loaded) and encrypts original entry
>     routine
>   If the worm is not able to infect WSOCK32.DLL at its startup (in case it is in use and is locked for writing) the
>   worm creates a copy of this library (a copy of WSOCK32.DLL with random name), infects it and writes
>   "rename" instruction to WININIT.INI file. As a result WSOCK32.DLL will be replaced with an infected one on
>   next Windows startup. 
>   The worm also creates its copy with random name in Windows system directory and registers it in RunOnce
>   registry key: 
>    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
>     {Default} = %WinSystem%\WormName
>   or 
>    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
>     {Default} = %WinSystem%\WormName
>   where %WinSystem% is Windows system directory, and "WormName" is random name, for example: 
>   There is only one possible reason to register additional worm copy in "RunOnce" registry key: in case
>   WSOCK32.DLL was not infected on first worm run, and its infected copy was not created because of some
>   reason, the "RunOnce" worm copy will complete the task on next Windows restart. 
>   Being active the worm intercepts Windows function that establish a network connection, including Internet.
>   The worm intercepts data that is sent and received, and scans it for email addresses. When address(es) is
>   detected, the worm waits for some time and then sends an infected message to that address(es). 
>   The worm functionality depends on the plugins that are stored in a worm body encrypted with RSA-like
>   strong crypto algorithm with 128 bits key. There are up to 32 plugins can be found in different worm versions.
>   These plugins perform different actions, they can be updates from a Web page located at
>   website. 
>   The complete worm functionality depends only on its host that is able to upgrade plugins from the Web page.
>   The plugins are encrypted with a RSA-like crypto too. 
>   The worm also updates its plugins by using alt.comp.virus newsgroup. The worm being active on a machine
>   connects to a news server (by using one of randomly selected servers - there are more than 70 addresses in
>   the list), converts its plugins to newsgroup messages and post them there. Worm's messages have random
>   Subject, for example: 
>    encr HVGT GTeLKzurGbGvqnuDqbivKfCHWbizyXiPOvKD
>    encr CMBK bKfOjafCjyfWnqLqzSTWTuDmfefyvurSLeXGHqR
>    text LNLM LmnajmnKDyfebuLuPaPmzaLyXGXKPSLSXWjKvWnyDWbGH
>    text RFRE rebibmTCDOzGbCjSZ
>   where first four characters represent plugin "name" and following four characters represent the encoded
>   plugin "version". As well as sending, the worm reads such messages from alt.comp.virus, gets plugin "name"
>   and "version" and compares with plugins that are currently used by the worm. In case a newsgroup has a
>   message with higher plugin version, the worm extracts it and replaces existing one. 
>   The worm drops its plugins to disk as files in Windows sytem directory. They also have random name, but the
>   worm is able to access them. The names may look as follows: 
>   There are several different plugins known: 
>   1. Infect all ZIP and RAR archives on all available drives from C: till Z:. While infecting the worm renames EXE
>   files in archive with .EX$ extension and add its copy with .EXE extension to the archive (companion method
>   of infection). 
>   2. Send messages with encoded plugins to "alt.comp.virus" neewsgroup, and gets new plugins from there. 
>   3. Spread virus to remote machines that have SubSeven backdoor trojan installed. The plugin detects such
>   machines on the net, and by using SubSeven commands uploads worm copy to the machine and spawns it in
>   there. 
>   4. Encrypt worm copies with polymorphic encryption loop before sending the copy attached to email. 
>   5. Affects DOS EXE and Windows PE EXE files. The worm affects them so that they become worm droppers.
>   When run, they drop worm's EXE file to TEMP directory and execute it. 
>   While affecting DOS EXE file the plugin adds dropper code and worm body to the end of a file. These files are
>   can be cured. 
>   While affecting Windows PE EXE file the plugin overwrites file code section (if is has enough size). The plugin
>   doesn't touch file header (including entry point address), and does not increase file size. Moreover, it has a
>   anti-CRC (chechsum) routine that fill special data in plugin code so that file CRC becomes the same for few
>   common used CRC algorithms. That means, that some integrity checkers will not detect changes in affected
>   files: the file length and file body CRC stay the same as on clean file 
>   6. Randomly select Subject, Message text and Attach name while sending worm copies with email messages: 
>   From: 
>     Hahaha <hahaha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>   Subjects: 
>     Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!
>     Branca de Neve pornô!
>     Enanito si, pero con que pedazo!
>     Les 7 coquir nains
>   Message texts: 
>    C'etait un jour avant son dix huitieme anniversaire. Les 7
>    nains, qui avaient aidé 'blanche neige' toutes ces années après
>    qu'elle se soit enfuit de chez sa belle mère, lui avaient promis
>    une *grosse* surprise. A 5 heures comme toujours, ils sont
>    rentrés du travail. Mais cette fois ils avaient un air coquin...
>    Today, Snowhite was turning 18. The 7 Dwarfs always where very
>    educated and polite with Snowhite. When they go out work at
>    mornign, they promissed a *huge* surprise. Snowhite was anxious.
>    Suddlently, the door open, and the Seven Dwarfs enter...
>    Faltaba apenas un dia para su aniversario de de 18 años. Blanca
>    de Nieve fuera siempre muy bien cuidada por los enanitos. Ellos
>    le prometieron una *grande* sorpresa para su fiesta de
>    compleaños. Al entardecer, llegaron. Tenian un brillo incomun en
>    los ojos...
>    Faltava apenas um dia para o seu aniversario de 18 anos. Branca
>    de Neve estava muito feliz e ansiosa, porque os 7 anões
>    prometeram uma *grande* surpresa. As cinco horas, os anõezinhos
>    voltaram do trabalho. Mas algo nao estava bem... Os sete
>    anõezinhos tinham um estranho brilho no olhar...
>   Attachment names: 
>    enano.exe
>    enano porno.exe
>    blanca de nieve.scr
>    enanito fisgon.exe
>    sexy virgin.scr
>    joke.exe
>    midgets.scr
>    dwarf4you.exe
>    blancheneige.exe
>    sexynain.scr
>    blanche.scr
>    nains.exe
>    branca de neve.scr
>    atchim.exe
>    dunga.scr
>    anão pornô.scr
>   As well as (depending on its plugin version) the message Subject is a random combination of: 
>    Anna             +  sex
>    Raquel Darian       sexy
>    Xena                hot
>    Xuxa                hottest
>    Suzete              cum
>    famous              cumshot
>    celebrity rape      horny
>    leather             ... e.t.c.
>   Attachment names: 
>    Anna.exe
>    Raquel Darian.exe
>    Xena.exe
>    Xuxa.exe
>    Suzete.exe
>    famous.exe
>    celebrity rape.exe
>    leather.exe
>    sex.exe
>    sexy.exe
>    hot.exe
>    hottest.exe
>    cum.exe
>    cumshot.exe
>    horny.exe
>    anal.exe
>    gay.exe
>    oral.exe
>    pleasure.exe
>    asian.exe
>    lesbians.exe
>    teens.exe
>    virgins.exe
>    boys.exe
>    girls.exe
>    SM.exe
>    sado.exe
>    cheerleader.exe
>    orgy.exe
>    black.exe
>    blonde.exe
>    sodomized.exe
>    hardcore.exe
>    slut.exe
>    doggy.exe
>    suck.exe
>    messy.exe
>    kinky.exe
>    fist-f*cking.exe
>    amateurs.exe
>   It is advised to excercise extreme caution when executable attachments arrive in your inbox, no matter where
>   they come from and how 'trustworthy' a message looks. 

Àç òîÿ ãî çíàì! ;P

---> cut <---

Å àéäå êàæè ìè ñåãà òîâà íà êàêâî ïðèëè÷à? Èìà åäíî íåùî íàðå÷åíî netiquette.
Ìîæåòå äà ãî îòêðèåòå ñúñ âñÿêà òúðñà÷êà. Ùîòî ìó ïèñâà íà ÷îâåê äà ïîëó÷àâà
200ê ïîùà ñ 5ê ïîëåçíà èíôîðìàöèÿ èëè ïúê íèêîè äà íå ñå ñåùà äà ñìåíè Subject
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"Ïîòðåáèòåëñêà Ãðóïà íà Ëþáèòåëèòå Öâåòàðè" èëè íåùî ïîäîáíî, íî ñïîðåä ìåí å
_íåäîïóñòèìî_ çà åäèí LUG.

Òîëêîâà îò ìåí. Íå âëàãàì íèùî ëè÷íî ;-)

        =- --rw------- =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=
          Theodor Milkov           Administrator IP Networks
          Davidov Electric Ltd.    Phone: +359 (2) 730158

<LI>application/pgp-signature \\\\\\\\\ \\\\: stored

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