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Re: lug-bg: CIFS/SMB browsing

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: CIFS/SMB browsing
  • From: stoev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Julian Stoev)
  • Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 14:20:15 +0900

Ñòðóâà ìè ñå, ÷å íèùî íå êàçâàø äà ñè íàïðàâèë åòî òîâà:
Íàäÿâàì ñå äà íå ñúì îáúðêàë è äà íå òè ïèøà èçâåñòíè íåùà.


A) Use of the "Remote Announce" parameter The "remote announce"
parameter of smb.conf can be used to forcibly ensure that all the
NetBIOS names on a network get announced to a remote network.  The
syntax of the "remote announce" parameter is: remote announce =
a.b.c.d [e.f.g.h] ...  _or_ remote announce = a.b.c.d/WORKGROUP
[e.f.g.h/WORKGROUP] ...  where: a.b.c.d:	is either the LMB
(Local Master Browser) IP address e.f.g.h:	or the broadcst
address of the remote network.  ie: the LMB is at, or the
address could be given as where the netmask is assumed
to be 24 bits (  When the remote announcement is made
to the broadcast address of the remote network every host will receive
our announcements. This is noisy and therefore undesirable but may be
necessary if we do NOT know the IP address of the remote LMB.
WORKGROUP: is optional and can be either our own workgroup or
that of the remote network. If you use the workgroup name of the
remote network then our NetBIOS machine names will end up looking like
they belong to that workgroup, this may cause name resolution problems
and should be avoided.

B) Use of the "Remote Browse Sync" parameter The "remote browse sync"
parameter of smb.conf is used to announce to another LMB that it must
synchronise it's NetBIOS name list with our Samba LMB. It works ONLY
if the Samba server that has this option is simultaneously the LMB on
it's network segment.  The syntax of the "remote browse  sync"
parameter is: remote browse sync = a.b.c.d where: a.b.c.d:	is
either the IP address of the remote LMB or else is the network
broadcast address of the remote segment.

On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 09:44:55PM +0300, Boyan Krosnov wrote:
|Problem sys WINS i SMB. Molq spestete si wyprosi ot sorta: dali nqmam
|sluchajno filtri na A, R ili B, dali ne sym sbyrkal nqkoj adres, etc.
|zashtoto ne sym!
|na ethernet2 ima nakacheni 30-na klienti na smeseni osowe - win9x,
|win2k, winNT, linux. wsichkite si wzimat nastrojkite prez dhcp ot B.
|Wsichkite clenuwat w edna i syshta Workgroupa. Nqma NT user-domain.
|nastrojkite koito im se dawat wkljuchwat towa che hosta e type hybrid,
|che ima wins server na adresa na B, i default gateway B. pingwat
|swobodno A i B.
|wsichkite se registirat uspeshno w winsa na B
|mashinata B e na Debian potato sys samba. nastroena e kato wins server,
|wins proxy. domain master browser, local master browser, prefered master
|browser, os level 255.
|kakto moje da se ochakwa pecheli izborite w toq ethernet segment. i
|wsichko e ok. pingwa swobodno adresite zakacheni na ethernet1 i ethernet
|2. Wsichki mashini w ethernet 1 se wijdat edna druga bezproblemno. DMB i
|LMB-to (t.e. B i oshte wednuj B) na ethernet 2 syshto sa registrirani w
|mashinata R ima sywsem standartna routing tablica samo s connectnati
|routowe. nqma filtri trafika si minawa swobodno prez neq.
|mashinata A e na windows 2k professional. t.k nqma drugi mashini w toq
|ethernet segment e local master za nego. kazano i e da se registrira w
|winsa na B. registrira si imeto w winsa na B no qwno ne uspqwa si
|sinhronizira browse listata sys B (a bi trqbwalo t.k. te sa syotwetno
|LMB i DMB za edna i syshta workgroupa), nito registrira w B che e LMB za
|Ako na mashina w ethernet 2 napishesh \\A se otwarq bez problem. ako na
|A napishesh primerno \\C (mashina ot e2) se otwarq bez problem.
|Imate li nqkakwi idei zashto nito A se wijda kato se browsewa
|workgrupata na mashinite w ethernet 2. nito mashinite w ethernet 2 se
|wijdat na A, t.e. zashto ne se sinhronizirat browse-listite.
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