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Re: lug-bg: 2 problems with samba

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: 2 problems with samba
  • From: ldrenski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Stoyan Zlatev)
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 13:49:04 +0200

----- Original Message -----
From: Miroslav Slavkov <viper@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <lug-bg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: lug-bg: 2 problems with samba

> On Monday 16 July 2001 04:47, you wrote:
> > > ----------------------------------------
> > > Content-Type: text/html; charset="koi8-r"; name="Attachment: 1"
> > > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> > > Content-Description:
> > > ----------------------------------------
> > >
> > > hi
> > >
> > > ne sym mnogo zapoznat sys samba-ta no kogato ia configurirah raboteshe
> >
> > dobre
> >
> > > vish dali pravilno si postavil opciite announce as = <machinename>  i
> > > workgroup = <yourworkgroup>
> > >
> > > a za da pishesh na share-a se slaga writable = yes
> > >
> > > regards
> > > --
> > >
> > > ---------------
> > > Miroslav Slavkov
> > > System Administrator
> > > SV-BG.COM
> > > viper@xxxxxxxxx
> > > ---------------
> > > ====================================
> >
> > =======================================
> >
> > > A mail-list of Linux Users Group - Bulgaria (bulgarian linuxers)
> > > Hosted by Internet Group Ltd. - Stara
> >
> > Zagora
> >
> > edin vypros read only = no i writable=yes ne e li edno i syshto zashtoto
> > pyrvata opciq e veche setnata. a sa a announce as = <machinename> ne e
> > setnata no kato se zamislq moje da e ot neq. interesuva kakvo  tochno
> > izpylnqwa tazi opciq
> >
> > Best regards
> > Stoyan Zlatev
> >
> >
> > A mail-list of Linux Users Group - Bulgaria (bulgarian linuxers)
> > Hosted by Internet Group Ltd. - Stara
> bi li spomenal kakvi drugi options sydyrzha tvoia config za share-a?
> --
> ---------------
> Miroslav Slavkov
> System Administrator
> viper@xxxxxxxxx
> ---------------
> A mail-list of Linux Users Group - Bulgaria (bulgarian linuxers)
> Hosted by Internet Group Ltd. - Stara
eto celiq smb.conf

# Global parameters
 workgroup = SLIVEN
 netbios name =
 netbios aliases =
 server string = Samba Server
 interfaces =
 bind interfaces only = No
 security = SHARE
 encrypt passwords = No
 update encrypted = No
 allow trusted domains = Yes
 hosts equiv =
 min passwd length = 5
 map to guest = Never
 null passwords = No
 password server =
 smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
 root directory = /
 passwd program = /bin/passwd
 passwd chat = *new*password* %n\n *new*password* %n\n *changed*
 passwd chat debug = No
 username map =
 password level = 0
 username level = 0
 unix password sync = No
 restrict anonymous = No
 use rhosts = No
 log level = 2
 syslog = 1
 syslog only = No
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 max log size = 1000
 timestamp logs = Yes
 debug hires timestamp = No
 debug pid = No
 debug uid = No
 protocol = NT1
 read bmpx = No
 read raw = Yes
 write raw = Yes
 nt smb support = Yes
 nt pipe support = Yes
 nt acl support = Yes
 announce version = 4.2
 announce as = NT
 max mux = 50
 max xmit = 65535
 name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
 max packet = 65535
 max ttl = 259200
 max wins ttl = 518400
 min wins ttl = 21600
 time server = No
 change notify timeout = 60
 deadtime = 0
 getwd cache = Yes
 keepalive = 300
 lpq cache time = 10
 max disk size = 0
 max open files = 10000
 read prediction = No
 read size = 16384
 shared mem size = 1048576
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
 stat cache size = 50
 load printers = Yes
 printcap name = /etc/printcap
 printer driver file = /etc/printers.def
 strip dot = No
 character set =
 mangled stack = 50
 coding system =
 client code page = 850
 stat cache = Yes
 domain groups =
 domain admin group =
 domain guest group =
 domain admin users =
 domain guest users =
 machine password timeout = 604800
 add user script =
 delete user script =
 logon script =
 logon path = \\%N\%U\profile
 logon drive =
 logon home = \\%N\%U
 domain logons = No
 os level = 20
 lm announce = Auto
 lm interval = 60
 preferred master = No
 local master = Yes
 domain master = No
 browse list = Yes
 dns proxy = No
 wins proxy = No
 wins server =
 wins support = No
 wins hook =
 kernel oplocks = Yes
 ole locking compatibility = Yes
 oplock break wait time = 10
 smbrun = /usr/bin/smbrun
 config file =
 preload =
 lock dir = /var/lock/samba
 default service =
 message command =
 dfree command =
 valid chars =
 remote announce =
 remote browse sync =
 socket address =
 homedir map =
 time offset = 0
 unix realname = No
 NIS homedir = No
 panic action =
 comment =
 path =
 alternate permissions = No
 revalidate = No
 username =
 guest account = nobody
 invalid users =
 valid users =
 admin users =
 read list =
 write list =
 force user =
 force group =
 read only = Yes
 create mask = 0744
 force create mode = 00
 security mask = -1
 force security mode = -1
 directory mask = 0755
 force directory mode = 00
 directory security mask = -1
 force directory security mode = -1
 guest only = No
 guest ok = No
 only user = No
 hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
 hosts deny =
 status = Yes
 max connections = 0
 min print space = 0
 strict sync = No
 sync always = No
 print ok = No
 postscript = No
 printing = bsd
 print command = lpr -r -P%p %s
 lpq command = lpq -P%p
 lprm command = lprm -P%p %j
 lppause command =
 lpresume command =
 queuepause command =
 queueresume command =
 printer name =
 printer driver = NULL
 printer driver location =
 default case = lower
 case sensitive = No
 preserve case = Yes
 short preserve case = Yes
 mangle case = No
 mangling char = ~
 hide dot files = Yes
 delete veto files = No
 veto files =
 hide files =
 veto oplock files =
 map system = No
 map hidden = No
 map archive = Yes
 mangled names = Yes
 mangled map =
 browseable = Yes
 blocking locks = Yes
 fake oplocks = No
 locking = Yes
 oplocks = Yes
 level2 oplocks = No
 oplock contention limit = 2
 strict locking = No
 share modes = Yes
 copy =
 include =
 exec =
 preexec close = No
 postexec =
 root preexec =
 root preexec close = No
 root postexec =
 available = Yes
 volume =
 fstype = NTFS
 set directory = No
 wide links = Yes
 follow symlinks = Yes
 dont descend =
 magic script =
 magic output =
 delete readonly = No
 dos filetimes = No
 dos filetime resolution = No
 fake directory create times = No

 comment = Home Directories
 read only = No
 browseable = No

 comment = All Printers
 path = /var/spool/samba
 print ok = Yes
 browseable = No

 comment = winboze
 path = /mnt/windows
 read only = No
 guest only = Yes
 guest ok = Yes

Best regards
Stoyan Zlatev

A mail-list of Linux Users Group - Bulgaria (bulgarian linuxers) Hosted by Internet Group Ltd. - Stara Zagora


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