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lug-bg: IBM signs Linux deal with Germany

  • Subject: lug-bg: IBM signs Linux deal with Germany
  • From: firedust@xxxxxxx (Stanislav "Lechev [AngelFire])
  • Date: 06 Jun 2002 11:22:44 +0300

Eto neshto interesno shodno s temata : M$ in BG

eto i kakwo pishe tam (za tezi koito gi myrzi da otwarqt browaser):

Can Linux manage to infiltrate the German government?
Germany has signed up IBM for a major public sector computer contract,
dealing a blow to software giant Microsoft in the process.

IBM announced it will offer German Government offices deep discounts on
computer systems based on Linux, rather than Microsoft's near-ubiquitous
Windows operating system.

Germany's Interior Minister, Otto Schilly, said the move would help cut
costs and improve security in the nation's computer networks.

"We are raising computer security by avoiding a monoculture, and we are
lowering dependence on a single supplier," he said in a statement.

"And so we are a leader in creating more diversity in the computer

Neither the government nor IBM would disclose the terms of the

But a spokesman for SuSE, the German company supplying the version of
Linux involved in the deal, said the deal was directed at the interior
ministry, which oversees law enforcement in Germany.

Most of the computers in Germany's public sector run Windows.

Open and shut case

Germany is far from being the first country to turn to "open source"
software as a means of securing its computer networks and saving money.

"Open source" means that the core of a program or an operating system is
open to anyone to experiment and fix errors.

Linux is an open source variant of the 30-year-old Unix operating
system, which is generally held to be almost indestructible and by far
the most reliable core for computer systems for whom crashing is not an

While the software itself is free, companies such as SuSE can still
charge for technical support and other services, such as bundling it
with easy-to-use installers or extra software.

In proprietary software such as Microsoft's Windows, on the other hand,
a single company controls the code, setting licensing terms for users
but blocking outsiders from accessing the code.

Access all areas

Proponents of open source software for governments say the code is more
bug-resistant and more secure - as well as saving huge amounts of money
thanks to avoiding being locked into a single company's licensing fees.

They also say using open source ensures that data will be widely
compatible, and not be dependent on users - whether staff or citizens -
using the same proprietary software.

Microsoft, whose Windows operating system runs more than nine in every
ten desktop machines around the world, is keen to keep its hegemony.

It says that switching to open source can damage a country's indigenous
IT industry, because some varieties of open source software place
restrictions on copyright and intellectual property.

It also says that it is a more reliable partner than smaller, less
well-established open source distributors.

"Any policy that favours one thing over another isn't helpful," a
Microsoft Europe spokeswoman told the Journal.

"It limits choice rather than increasing choice."

Not alone

But that argument has failed to convince a number of other countries.

Mexico, for instance, has mandated open source in its education system -
although it is widely believed to have botched the implementation.

And Peru is considering a law mandating open source software.

Microsoft wrote protesting about the law and warning of collapsing
software markets and portraying a nightmare scenario of incompatibility.

But the answer - from a Peruvian congressman - refuted the letter point
by point.

Martin Virtel , FT Deutschland
"Once a government decides on a project it runs for years"
See also:

15 Mar 02 | Sci/Tech
Making free software pay
08 Jan 02 | Sci/Tech
Linux takes on MS in China
26 Aug 01 | Sci/Tech
Your verdict on 10 years of Linux
30 May 02 | Sci/Tech
Watch out Windows?
Internet links:

Letters between Microsoft and Peru

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
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  Regards,                                            AngelFire  
      Stanislav Lechev                    <firedust@xxxxxxx>     
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