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Re: Re: lug-bg: CDRDAO help

  • Subject: Re: Re: lug-bg: CDRDAO help
  • From: danchev@xxxxxxxxx (George Danchev)
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 19:02:21 +0300

On Thursday 25 July 2002 18:11, Petko Boukov wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Todor Belev <todorin@xxxxxx>
> > Kure ne im vikat SCSI a puskat SCSI emulacia za da raboti,

tova beshe dosta celtics  ot tvoq strana ... ;-)
(da me izvinqvat fenovete na club-a)
[nqma nuzhda ot podobni kvalifikacii ... ;-]

> > demek drivera sa go pisali edno vreme za SCSI
> > i sega vmesto da go pishat nanovo praviat vrytka.
> Todorine, IDE poddryzhkata v kernel-a dalech predhozhda SCSI. V nachaloto
> Linus dori ne se e nadqval, che nqkoga shte se poddyrzha neshto poveche ot
> IDE. Nikakva vrytka s ednovremeshno SCSI nqma.
> Vikat im ide-scsi, ATA_SCSI i pr., zashtoto ATAPI komandite "prilichat" na
> SCSI komandite. Kak shte *emulirash* SCSI ustrojstvo, za da pusnesh IDE
> takova?

maj i dvamata ste pravi no samo Petko izqsni 4e IDE ATAPI prili4a na SCSI 
specification. Te ide re4 za SCSI host adapter emulation za IDE ATAPI devices 
(ATAPI = AT Attachment Packet Interface) za kojto nqma napisan native driver.

ATAPI devices include CD-ROMs, CD-Recordable, CD-RW, DVD, tape drives, some 
super-floppy drives (ZIP and LS-120), and changers.

Hosts control ATAPI devices using SCSI command packets. The SCSI command 
packets are transported over the ATA interface, instead of the parallel SCSI 
bus. This cool hack is described in ATA/ATAPI-6.

Different devices accept different sets of SCSI command packets. There are 
some differences in command packet format between ATAPI and SCSI. Mostly, 
these are simplifications, i.e. features are missing in ATAPI that would 
appear on a SCSI device. There are some areas, though, where ATAPI defined 
new commands and responses.

The set of SCSI command packets applicable to all SCSI devices is described 
in the SCSI-3 Primary Commands. Again, ATAPI devices don't implement all of 
these, so it's best to consult the associated ATAPI spec for a device.

v kernel-a ot help-a na CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDESCSI

 This will provide SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices,
  and will allow you to use a SCSI device driver instead of a native
  ATAPI driver.

  This is useful if you have an ATAPI device for which no native
  driver has been written (for example, an ATAPI PD-CD or CDR drive);
  you can then use this emulation together with an appropriate SCSI
  device driver. In order to do this, say Y here and to "SCSI support"
  and "SCSI generic support", below. You must then provide the kernel
  command line "hdx=scsi" (try "man bootparam" or see the
  documentation of your boot loader (lilo or loadlin) about how to
  pass options to the kernel at boot time) for devices if you want the
  native EIDE sub-drivers to skip over the native support, so that
  this SCSI emulation can be used instead. This is required for use of

  Note that this option does NOT allow you to attach SCSI devices to a
  box that doesn't have a SCSI host adapter installed.

  If both this SCSI emulation and native ATAPI support are compiled
  into the kernel, the native support will be used.

Zna4i tova naumenovanie IDE e malko poro4no, no e navlqzlo v praktikata ... 
ima ATA-1, ATA-2, Serial-ATA, ATAPI specifications (bus protocols)... 

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