Re: lug-bg: BlowFish Advanced CS - OpenSource product za Win32
- Subject: Re: lug-bg: BlowFish Advanced CS - OpenSource product za Win32
- From: yaneti@xxxxxxxxxxx (Yanko Kaneti)
- Date: 15 Dec 2002 11:03:39 +0200
On Sun, 2002-12-15 at 10:20, Vesselin Kolev wrote:
> Ako niakoi zhelae da vidi edin istinski OpenSource product za Win32,
> mozhe da napravi tova na adres:
> BlowFish Advanced CS e moshten produkt za prilaganeto na symetrichnia
> block chiper BlowFish pod sistemi, raboteshti pod Win32. Radostnoto e,
> che e s otvoren izhoden kod. Mnogo hora mozhe da go nameriat za mnogo
> polezen.
Îò ïúðâèòå íÿêîëêî ðåäà íà òàçè ñòðàíèöà: "You may use the source code
of all the libraries here without any charges in your own application(s)
as long as you don't use them in any altered form." . Çàáåëÿçâàø
îãðàíè÷åíèåòî íàäÿâàì ñå. OpenSource òîâà íå å ;). Åòî ò.3 îò :
"3. Derived Works
The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow
them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the
original software.
Rationale: The mere ability to read source isn't enough to support
independent peer review and rapid evolutionary selection. For rapid
evolution to happen, people need to be able to experiment with and
redistribute modifications."
òà òàêà...
Íå ñúì íèêàê íàâúòðå ïî òåìàòà ñ øèôðèòå è ïð. íî ìèñëÿ BeeCrypt å LGPL áèáëèîòåêa,
êîÿòî óñïåøíî ìîæå äà ñå ïîëçâà çà êîìåðñèàëíè öåëè îò íóæäàåùè ñå îò
Blowfish (è äð.)
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