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Re: lug-bg: moc

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: moc
  • From: danchev@xxxxxxxxx (George Danchev)
  • Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 17:34:07 +0200

On 23 02 2003 14:58, Georgi Chorbadzhiyski wrote:
> Victor Senderov wrote:
> > On Sunday 23 February 2003 10:55, Plamen wrote:
> >> Zdrawejte
> >> S Mandrake 9.0 sam.
> >>
> >> Iskam da instaliram licq-1.2.3, no imam slednia problem. Pri plugins
> >> ./configure --with-kde stiga do:
> >
> > Dokolkoto znam Mandrake e .rpm baziran, moze da si izteglish napravo
> > package, a ne da si razburkvash distroto s ./configure; make; make
> > install.
> Ako edno distro se "razbyrkva" ot instalirane na programi ot source
> seriozno triabva da se zamisli chovek dali da se zanimava s nego.

Samo nqkolko douto4neniq trqbvashe da napravish, stoto "instalirane" i 
"source" gi upotrebi kato mnogo obsti ponqtiq ... Ot tqh ste zavisi dali ste 
se s4upi koqto i da e operating system distribution... 

1) zavisi kyde se instalira - system-wide ili 
admin's local directory or $HOME/ ili kydeto i da e drugade neutralno...
Bezkrajno qsno e, 4e ako se instalira system-wide naslqpo ili s nadezhdata da 
se overwtire-ne old stuff napylno bez da sme proverili i sigurni v tova (a 
tova hi4 ne e lesno da se proveri) e super lame i mnogo veroqtno e da se 
s4upi koqto i da e OS ;-) .. Pri4inata e trivialna ... trudno e da se 
predvidi kakvo ste stane dokato se overwrite-va old stuff i dali nqma da 
ostane old cruft moving around koqto da zamyrsqva OS-a i da okazva nqkakvo 
negativno vliqnie kydeto i da e... devepolers ne sa dlyzhni naprimer broq i 
mqstoto na new files/dirs da syvpada s old ones, tova e lek primer za 
podvoden kamyk ima i drugi, sami ste se setite ;-) ... Vizhdal sym 
strashilista na instalirane na glibc ot plain (upstream) sources, i posle 
"kvo se s4upi?": 
/path/to/glibc/configure --prefix=/usr

vypreki 4e Ulrich Drepper vseki pyt predyprezhdava users da vnimavat kakvo 
pravqt 4e da ne report-vat posle nesystestvuvasti bugs (t.e. ot 
omazani/broken systems)

When configured as above the library must not be installed since it would 
overwrite the system's library.  If you want to install the resulting library 
choose a different --prefix parameter value. Otherwise the new code can be 
used without installation.  Running existing binaries is possible with
     elf/ --library-path .:linuxthreads2:dlfcn:math  ...
Alternatively the binary could be build to find the dynamic linker.....
Podobni "advanced" instalations se pravqt i na XFree86 i t.n. i posle sledvat 
lame questions sto ne raboti ... i kvo se s4upi ... ami tova i devepolers 
trudno ste vi kazhat kakvo ste si s4upili ;-)

2) ot kakvi sources - 
* plain upstream sources - redno e da zainava v /usr/local/ po FHS, LSB i t.n.
* distro dources, e.g. srpm's, debian sources packags, ports, ebuilds i t.n 
(t.e. tova sa configured upstream sources). Tuka ve4e e qsno 4e old stuff se 
se romove-ne kakto si trebe i new one will be installed properly ... 

printk("Greets, fr33zb1\n");

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