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Re: lug-bg: Kernel panic timeout (LILO)

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: Kernel panic timeout (LILO)
  • From: micro@email.domain.hidden (Plamen Tonev)
  • Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 15:19:53 +0300

On Sat, 17 May 2003 14:35:52 +0300 (EEST)
"Marian Popov" <> wrote:

<em class="quotelev1">> Po princip kato kompilirash nov kernel e dobre da ne mu
<em class="quotelev1">> davash make install a da si kopirash kernela rychno
<em class="quotelev1">> v /boot ili kydeto iskash ot source direktoriata koato
<em class="quotelev1">> beshe mai /arch/i386/... neshto si. Sled koeto si opisvash
<em class="quotelev1">> v lilo.conf novia kernel no da si sedi i staria.
<em class="quotelev1">> Pri tova povojenie pri boot ako crashne neshto
<em class="quotelev1">> mojesh da resetnesh mashinata i s natiskane na ALT
<em class="quotelev1">> pri boot sha ti izlezne menu za izbor na kernel.
Ok, treti opit za formulirane na vyprosa ;-)
Razbira se che kato govorja za tova che mi trjabva takyv variant stava vypros che njamam 
fizicheski dostyp do masihnata - inache zashto mi e takova chanchene kato moga da si puskam
ot lilo prompt-a kakvoto iskam.
Nikoi osven Alexandyr li ne razbra kakvo iskam...
Btw..tova pitah za reboot-vaneto avtomatichnoto...pri kernel panic...sega ostava i momenta kak tova
(i dali) moje da se navyrje s lilo,grub,whatever za da se osiguri fault safe reboot.


<em class="quotelev1">> Togava izbirash staria kernel i runvash mashinata
<em class="quotelev1">> v predishnata konfiguracia. Taka mojesh da zaredish
<em class="quotelev1">> linux i da prekonfigurirash kernela i da probvash pak.
<em class="quotelev1">> Dobre e da vidish zashto tochno ti se panina kernela
<em class="quotelev1">> za da opravish greshkata v konfiga. Sled tova pak si kopirash
<em class="quotelev1">> kernela i rebootvash.
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev2">> > On Sat, 17 May 2003 11:19:47 +0300
<em class="quotelev2">> > Konstantin Kostadinov <> wrote:
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev3">> >> Å íåìà êàê äà ñòàíå êàòî òè óâèñíå êåðíåëàò ëèëèîòî äà íàïðàâè êàêâîòî
<em class="quotelev3">> >> è äà å ;), ïðîñòî íà òîçè åòàï ëèëèîòî íå äúðæè óïðàâëåíèåòî ...
<em class="quotelev3">> >> Åâåíòóàëíî àêî ñå íàñòðîè ïî íÿêàêúâ íà÷èí êîðåòî äà ñå ðåáîîòâà àêî
<em class="quotelev3">> >> ñïðå ñ ãðåøêà ìîæå è äà ñòàíå.
<em class="quotelev1">>  ò.å â âòîðèÿ âàðèàíò ëèëîòî èëè äðóã
<em class="quotelev3">> >> îñ ëîäåð ìîæå äà îïèòà äðóãî åíòðè (òåîðèòè÷íî)
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev2">> > Ok ne zadadoh pravilno vyprosa.
<em class="quotelev2">> > Popravjam se:
<em class="quotelev2">> > Ima li nachin za vzaimodeisvie boot manager/ kernel (kernel hacking,trap
<em class="quotelev2">> > key and so on) za da se garantira sledvashtijat
<em class="quotelev1">>  ili po-sledvashtijat
<em class="quotelev2">> > reboot da e siguren.
<em class="quotelev2">> > Tyrsja konkreten otgovor - ima ili njama...ili njakoi da e probval
<em class="quotelev2">> > takova neshto i da e spodeljal takiva tyrsenija ?
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev2">> > Plamen
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > Àáå èìàøå ëè òàêîâà íåùî äà ñå ñåòíå òàéìàóò íà boot manager-à (â
<em class="quotelev3">> >> ñëó÷àÿ LIoLiO) êàòî ñðåùíå
<em class="quotelev1">>  çîð (kernel panic) da èçòàéìàóòè è äà
<em class="quotelev3">> >> boot-íå äðóã kernel?
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > Àêî íÿìà ñåùàòå ëè ñå çà äîáúð íà÷èí äà ñå îñèãóðè ñèãóðåí safe
<em class="quotelev3">> >> reboot àêî íå óñïåå linux-à äà loadne
<em class="quotelev1">>  íîâèÿò êåðíåë è/èëè äà íå
<em class="quotelev3">> >> ìîæå äà mount-íå íåùî è äà óâèñâà çàðàäè òîâà. ;-)
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev4">> >> >
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > --
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > "Life is short - pray hard."
<em class="quotelev4">> >> >
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > Man is certainly stark mad: He cannot make a flea,
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > yet he makes gods by the dozens. - Montaigne
<em class="quotelev4">> >> >
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > --------------------------------------------------------
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > Public PGP key at:
<em class="quotelev4">> >> > --------------------------------------------------------
<em class="quotelev3">> >>
<em class="quotelev3">> >>
<em class="quotelev3">> >> --
<em class="quotelev3">> >>
<em class="quotelev3">> >> Konstantin Kostadinov
<em class="quotelev3">> >> Fadata Ltd.
<em class="quotelev3">> >>
<em class="quotelev3">> >> ---------------------------------------------------
<em class="quotelev3">> >> Public PGP :
<em class="quotelev3">> >> ---------------------------------------------------
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev2">> > --
<em class="quotelev2">> > "Life is short - pray hard."
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev2">> > Man is certainly stark mad: He cannot make a flea,
<em class="quotelev2">> > yet he makes gods by the dozens. - Montaigne
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev2">> > --------------------------------------------------------
<em class="quotelev2">> > Public PGP key at:
<em class="quotelev2">> > --------------------------------------------------------
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev1">> -- 
<em class="quotelev1">> Marian Popov
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev1">> 
<em class="quotelev1">> ============================================================================
<em class="quotelev1">> A mail-list of Linux Users Group - Bulgaria (bulgarian linuxers).
<em class="quotelev1">> - Hosted by Internet Group Ltd. - Stara Zagora
<em class="quotelev1">> To unsubscribe:
<em class="quotelev1">> ============================================================================

"Life is short - pray hard."

Man is certainly stark mad: He cannot make a flea,
yet he makes gods by the dozens. - Montaigne

Public PGP key at:

A mail-list of Linux Users Group - Bulgaria (bulgarian linuxers). - Hosted by Internet Group Ltd. - Stara Zagora
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