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Re: lug-bg: osoben tip spam

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: osoben tip spam
  • From: teodor@email.domain.hidden (Teodor Georgiev)
  • Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 17:26:57 +0300

ne im e za pryv pyt mezhdu drugoto. logove ne pazia :(
Az imam na um edno "lechenie" za podobni bolesti, koeto makar i hich da ne e 
moe izobretenie, e mnogo efikasno :)
Naricha se - filtering.
Mislia che techs v BG sa dostatychno organizirani, za da prasne vseki po edin
filtyr na serverite si sreshtu podobni spameri. Kato pochnat masovo da 
pishtqt, che otnikyde ne se wizhdat, shte im doide uma na momenta, kato na 
gimnazistka men*isa. 

Horata veche masovo sa propishtiali ot spama i tyrsiat dosta efektivni metodi 
za borba s nego. To ostavi drugoto, ami gi i namirat.

Prochetete tova:


<p>Vigilantes give spammers a dose of their own medicine

The Associated Press
5/19/03 9:22 AM

<p>The Wall Street Journal

<p>When all 24 office phones at Scott Richter's e-mail marketing company
started ringing at once, with nobody at the other end of the line,
employees knew they were under attack again.

<p>Daniel Dye, the systems administrator, could do little. After 15 minutes
into the lunchtime assault last month, Mr. Dye recalls yelling, "Go
ahead and pull your phones out of the walls for now. It'll be easier to
think about what to do." Examining the phone system's central computer,
Mr. Dye found that someone had hacked into it and programmed a feature
that caused all the phones to ring at the same time.

<p>Mr. Richter's company had been "flamed" -- attacked by a shadowy group
of vigilantes who have taken to harassing spammers using just about any
means they can dream up. Spam, or unsolicited commercial e-mail, has set
off a war between marketers and people who hate spam. Mr. Richter, who
is a mass commercial e-mailer, has become a frequent target of attackers
known as antispammers.

<p>They form a loose affiliation that uses the Internet to coordinate
attacks from around the world. E-mail marketers often feel powerless
against them. "It's an underground cult running it," says Mr. Richter,
whose Westminster, Colo., e-mail marketing business,,
pitches mortgages,
adult- related products and Viagra. "You don't know who they are."

<p>Here's one of them: Mark Jones, a 26-year-old software engineer in
Enterprise, Ala., who calls himself a "soldier" in the war against spam.
<em class="quotelev1">>From his home at night, he tracks down spammers by tracing the complex
routing code hidden in e-mail messages. He reports them to what
antispammers call "realtime blacklists," Web sites that track known spam
sources and allow computer administrators to block certain Internet

<p>Then, he fights back. "Anytime we find a source of spam," he says, "we
spam them back."

<p>After his three children were asleep late one Saturday night last
November, Mr. Jones sat down at his PC for a bit of spammer-flaming.
First, he says, he visited a Web site,, that's a favorite
among techies; he pulled down a list of about 10 alleged spammers. He
programmed his personal computer to send a letter to each supposed
spammer in the same way many spammers do: through so-called open relays
and mail servers that forward e-mail in ways that make it hard to track
down the sender. As his finishing stroke, he had his PC send the message
to each spammer 10,000 times.

<p>"We use the same methods the spammers use," says Mr. Jones, chuckling.
"It's a bombardment."



<p><p>On Wednesday 28 May 2003 16:22, Boyan Krosnov wrote:
<em class="quotelev1">> Zdraveyte,
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> Trqbvat mi speshno vsqkakvi logove (i naj-mnogo e-mail headers) za
<em class="quotelev1">> mailove razprashtani ot IP adresa Osbennostta koqto
<em class="quotelev1">> tyrsq e mnogo podobni From i To poleta.
<em class="quotelev1">> Primerno
<em class="quotelev1">> from:
<em class="quotelev1">> to:
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> from:
<em class="quotelev1">> to:
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> from:
<em class="quotelev1">> to:
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> Spama e ot nov tip. Spamerite prosto generirat shum pri kojto choveka ot
<em class="quotelev1">> to poleto si misli che choveka ot from poleto e izlygal nqkakyv nepoznat
<em class="quotelev1">> subekt. Krajnata cel e da reklamirat dva site-a: i
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> Logovete koito sym zasqkal do sega sa ot perioda 9:09 - 9:25 bylgarsko
<em class="quotelev1">> vreme (+0300).
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> Molq pomognete.

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