Re: lug-bg: HTB configuration
- Subject: Re: lug-bg: HTB configuration
- From: erinin@email.domain.hidden (Hristo Erinin)
- Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 19:51:44 +0300
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 12:29:42 +0300 (EEST)
Marian Popov <> wrote:
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev2">> > Íå çíàì êúäå å ðàáîòàòà, íî ÿâíî íå ñè ÷åë äîñòàòú÷íî äîêóìåíòàöèÿòà
<em class="quotelev2">> > êúì HTB.
<em class="quotelev1">> RATE å ÌÈÍÈÌÀËÍÀÒÀ ÃÀÐÀÍÖÈß, êîÿòî ïîëó÷àâà âñåêè êëàñ. Àêî
<em class="quotelev2">> > íà åäèí êëàñ
<em class="quotelev1">> äàäåø 128Êáèòà è ñúùèÿ òàâàí, íÿìà êàê ñóìàòà îò
<em class="quotelev2">> > rate-îâåòå íà íåãîâèòå leaves äà
<em class="quotelev1">> íàäâèøàâà òàçè íà parent-à.
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev2">> > Äà ãî êàæà ïî-ÿñíî: ÍÅ ÌÎÆÅØ äà íàáëúñêàø â êëàñ ñ rate 128Êáèòà 5
<em class="quotelev2">> > êëèåíòà,
<em class="quotelev1">> è íà âñè÷êèòå äà äàäåø ñúùî ïî òîëêîâà. Ìîæåø îáà÷å äà èì
Ìîæåø ;))
<em class="quotelev2">> > äàäåø ïðîïîðöèîíàëíî
<em class="quotelev1">> ïî-ìàëêî îò rate-à íà parenta èì, êàòî ñëîæèø íà
<em class="quotelev2">> > âñåêè leaf ceil ìàêñèìóì
<em class="quotelev1">> äî rate-à èëè äî ceil-à íà ðîäèòåëñêèÿ êëàñ.
<em class="quotelev2">> >
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> Demek da razbiram che ako iskam v 128K da pobera 4 klienta
<em class="quotelev1">> triabva RATE na vseki ot tiah da e 32Kbit a CEIL da e 128Kbit
<em class="quotelev1">> taka li ? I oshte da razbiram li che ako ne tezi 4 adresa
<em class="quotelev1">> RATE im e 64Kbit a CEIL im e 128 te shte nadvishat kapaciteta
<em class="quotelev1">> zadaden v roditelskia klas ? A RATE i CEIL na roditelskia klas
<em class="quotelev1">> ne triabva da sa ednakvi a CEIL da e primerno 256Kbit Taka li?
<em class="quotelev1">>
What if sum of child rates is smaller than parent rate ?
It is like if you create unused child with remaining rate - the rate
difference is divided between other children.
What if sum of child rates is greater than parent rate ?
Then interesting things can happen. Total rate delivered by children can
be higher that parent's rate (thus its rate is not respected). However
when sum of actual child rates are under parent's rate then borrowing
will occur like in regular case.
I use setup with 4 classes, parent has rate=ceil=6kbps, child "mail" has
rate=1kbps ceil=4kbps, "web" has rate=ceil=15kbps and "other" has
rate=2kbps ceil=4kbps. HTB is attached to an PPP interface with
compressed multilink pair of modems which can go from 6kbps to cca
16kbps (depends on compresability of data). When "web" traffic is
present it can go as high as compression allows while still allowing
mail 1kbps and other 2kbps.
When "web" traffic is smaller than 6kbps then "mail" and "other" can
borrow more bw up to 4k each. Parent's class it not set to 18k because
then "mail" and "other" could get as much as 8k which is more that
link's minimum and would saturate the link. Thus I set parent to 6k so
that "mail"+"other" are limited to 6k while "web" can go over.
You can do similar setup by using one more class and deeper hierarchy
but this is just to show you the possibility.
Best Regards,
Hristo Erinin
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