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Re: lug-bg: apt-get + kde + sarge problem

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: apt-get + kde + sarge problem
  • From: George Danchev <danchev@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 12:02:41 +0300

On Thursday 25 September 2003 11:08, G. Georgiev (Skeleta) wrote:
> Opitvam se da instaliram paketa kde na Debian Sarge:
> sarge:/home/skelet# apt-get install kde
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
> requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
> distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
> or been moved out of Incoming.
> Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
> the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
> that package should be filed.
> The following information may help to resolve the situation:
> Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   kde: Depends: kdebase-audiolibs but it is not going to be installed or
>                 kdebase3-audiolibs but it is not installable
> E: Sorry, broken packages
> -------------------------------------------
> sarge:/home/skelet# apt-get install kdebase-audiolibs
> .....
> Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   kdebase-audiolibs: Depends: libvorbis0 (>= 1.0rc3-1) but it is not
> installableE: Sorry, broken packages
> --------------------------------------------

spored men mnogo pravilno e hvanato 4e ima impossible situation.

> Imam instaliran paket libvorbis0a.

mda, kojto v momenta e v testing i unstable.

> Kak da mu obiasnia da se opita da polzva nego, a ne libvorbis0, koito
> vaobshte go niama v Sarge ?

ami kdebase-audiolibs 4:2.2.2-14, kojto sega e v testing ima pole Depends: 
libvorbis0 (>= 1.0rc3-1) i to4no nego si iska da e izpylneno, nezavisimo 4e v 
momenta qvno poradi transition to4no tozi package e "not available" v testing 
archiva. Ste dodi veroqtno nova version.

V takiva situacii, ako si nqmash rabota i za da se nalozhish vse pak nad 
packaging system imash nqkolko nq4ina za cheating (oba4e si znaesh kakvi 
speculacii pravish i posle mozhe da gi revert-nesh): 

1) mozhe da get-nesh  debian source package-a ot kojto se polu4ava 
kdebase-audiolibs 4:2.2.2-14 deb-a (apt-get source kdebase-audiolibs) i 
syotvetno v debian/control go smenqsh da zavisi ot libvorbis0a (t.e. naro4no 
ste 4upish, i si znaesh;-)
2) praish nabyrzo si prazen paket libvorbis0 s atributi po tvoe zhelanie. See 
2-riq code snippet na
instalirash go i meet-vash depends pred packaging system, oba4e si znaesh 4e 
si break-nal system-a pomalko ;-)
3) Direktno i grubo lyzhesh packaging system (not wise, no sometimes e handy):
dpkg --set-selection "ime-na-paket" "installed"(vizh man-a, 4e po spomeni 

S dve dumi maj ste upgrade-vat KDE packages v testing v momenta (transition na 
golqma grupa ot unstable), ili versiqta libvorbis ste moderqt. 
naj-dobre da wait()-vash.

pub  4096R/0E4BD0AB 2003-03-18 <>
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