Re: {Spam?} lug-bg: Mail problem SPAM
- Subject: Re: {Spam?} lug-bg: Mail problem SPAM
- From: "korio" <korio@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 21:19:05 +0200
Towa mi doide ot bugtraq
At some point in the last 24 hours the dns-based blackhole list turned into a deny-all-mail: the A record
for the blackhole list is now which means all mail is rejected.
Anyone who knows anyone who was using this should immediately remove
it. I do not know why the folks at infinite monkeys would do this nasty
thing, perhaps it was done by a spammer hacking in.
Certainly it points out that all such services should be using DNSSEC
and that perhaps that's not enough if the name server is hacked.
Marian Popov writes:
Zdraveite !
Ot 2 dni mail servera mi trie vsichki poshti zashtoto gi namira za SPAM.
Ne moga da razbera pri men li e problema ili niakyde v serverite za proverka
deto SpamAssassin-a proveriava.
Eto kakvo mi kazva
The IP address does not appear on the MAPS RBL.
Please note that neither the MAPS RBL nor any other MAPS list works on a domain name, only IP addresses are involved.
Triabvashe da kaja na scannera da deliver-va vsichko za da podkaram neshtata
no taka ne mi haresva izobshto.
Interesnoto e tova.
X-CityLAN-MailScanner: Found to be clean
X-CityLAN-MailScanner-SpamCheck: spam, Infinite-Monkeys,
SpamAssassin (score=-2.977, required 5, BAYES_00 -4.90,
RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_11_50 0.88, RAZOR2_CHECK 1.05)
Tuk iasno se vijda che score=-2.977 a required e 5 no vypreki tova go misli za spam i go trie.
Niakoi imal li e podoben problem. Interesno e oshte che ne sym pravil nikakvi nastroiki na mashinata
che daje ne sym vlizal v neia ot meseci.
WWell by
Iassen Anadoliev
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