[Lug-bg] езикови настройки версия 3.0.1
- Subject: [Lug-bg] езикови настройки версия 3.0.1
- From: Roumen Petrov <help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 15:46:49 +0300
Обнових малко настройките и към писмото е прикачен файла bg_BG с версия
Копие, но като отделно писмо е изпратено и до dict@xxxxxxxxxx .
А) Подробно описание на промените спрямо текущата версия 2.0.1 от
хранилището на ГНУ Си библиотеката:
а) нов автор, авторски права и адреси за връзка
- нови адреси за връзка
- категориите са съвместими с IEC_TR_14652/2002
- без промяна
- премахнати всички местни указания на подредба и така се получава
речникова подредба от общите указания (copy "iso14651_t1").
- без разделител на хиляди и съответно без групиране
- знака за валута е с точка : "лв." вместо "лв"
- без групиране защото няма разделите за хиляди
- пренаписано и за подробности виж по долу.
- без промяна
- без промяна
- представяне на име със съкращение за професия, т.е. %S вместо %s и
- съкращението "г-дин" е заменено с "г-н"
- country_name и lang_name са зададени на български
- описанието на адреса е както го изискват "Български Пощи", въпреки че
те описват само адреси за лична кореспонденция и малко пропускат да
покажат как да се надпише писмото при
- без скоби при телефонни номера за международни и междуградски разговори
- без промяна
Б) Описание за дата и час (LC_TIME)
- добавено е описание за ера (разчоплено отвсякъде в списъка
окончателно състояние - пр.н.е./сл.н.е.
- използване на двуеточие, вместо запетайка, за разделител, при
извеждане на време
- 24 часово описание за време
Текущото състояние (версия 2.0.1) е двусмислено, защото се извежда
в 12 часов формат, но без подсказка за преди/след обяд.
Ще изглежда така (за 1ч. 2м. и 3с. и за 13ч. 2м. и 3с. за флаг %r):
01:02:03 и 13:02:03
а сега е така:
1,02,03 и 1,02,03
- пренаредени дни месеци и т.н.
Ще изглежда така:
2010-04-01 13:02:03: четвъртък 1 април 2010 13:02:03 EEST
+%c чт 1 апр 2010 13:02:03 EEST
+%x (date) 1.04.2010
+%X (time) 13:02:03
+%y (s-year) 10
+%Y (year) 2010
+%Ec (+era) чт 1 апр 2010 сл.н.е. 13:02:03 EEST
+%Ex (date+era) 1.04.2010 сл.н.е.
+%EX (time+era) 13:02:03
+%Ey (s-year+era) 2010
+%EY (year+era) 2010 сл.н.е.
Сега е така:
2010-04-01 13:02:03: чт апр 1 13:02:03 EEST 2010
+%c 1.04.2010 (чт) 13,02,03 EEST
+%x (date) 1.04.2010
+%X (time) 13,02,03
+%y (s-year) 10
+%Y (year) 2010
+%Ec (+era) 1.04.2010 (чт) 13,02,03 EEST
+%Ex (date+era) 1.04.2010
+%EX (time+era) 13,02,03
+%Ey (s-year+era) 10
+%EY (year+era) 2010
- нововъведение е описанието на седмица: при нас първия ден от годината
се пада в първата седмица. Кои ли го ползва ?
- добавано е описание при извеждане на календар : имената на дните от
седмицата в ляво и дните отгоре надолу . Кои ли го ползва ?
- съкращенията за имената на дните и месеците нарочно са оставени дву- и
три-буквени за съвместимост със съществуващи команди : ls (от coreutils
< 6.x) , cal.
В) Тестове.
За да тествам представяне на дати, числа и пари съм използвал
За тестване на представяне на дата, час и ден от седмицата съм използвал
При мен файловете с езиковите настройки са в директория
/usr/share/i18n/locales/ и за да се провери какво ще се получи, като
потребител с подходящи права се записва прикачения файл bg_BG под
някакво име в директорията, например bg_BG-new. Създават се български
езикови настройки за кодова таблица, която не се използва, например
KOI8-R, със командата "localedef -i bg_BG-new -f KOI8-R bg_BG.KOI8-R" .
Изпълнява се тестовата програма за тези настройки, например
"LANG=bg_BG.KOI8-R ./test-bg-locale.sh | iconv -f KOI8-R" (без кавичките).
П.П. За протокола е прикачен файл bg_BG.diff с разликите между
предложението и текущото състояние от хранилището.
comment_char %
escape_char /
% Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
% Copyright (C) 2010 Roumen Petrov <transl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
% Bulgarian locale for Bulgaria
% Contact: Roumen Petrov
% Email: transl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
% Contact: Linux Users Group - Bulgaria
% Email: lug-bg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
% Contact: Bulgarian translators' team
% Email: dict@xxxxxxxxxx
% Language: bg
% Territory: BG
% Revision: 3.0.1
% Date: 2010-03-23
% Application: general
% Users: general
% Charsets: UTF-8, ISO-8859-5, KOI8-R, CP1251
% Distribution and use is free, also for commercial purposes.
title "Bulgarian locale for Bulgaria"
source ""
address ""
contact "GNU libc maintainers"
email "bug-glibc-locales@xxxxxxx"
tel ""
fax ""
language "Bulgarian"
territory "Bulgaria"
audience "general"
application "general"
revision "3.0.1"
date "2010-03-23"
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_IDENTIFICATION
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_CTYPE
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_COLLATE
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_MONETARY
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_NUMERIC
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_TIME
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_MESSAGES
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_PAPER
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_NAME
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_ADDRESS
category "bg_BG:2002";LC_TELEPHONE
category "posix:1993";LC_MEASUREMENT
copy "i18n"
include "translit_combining";""
% Copy the template from ISO/IEC 14651
copy "iso14651_t1"
int_curr_symbol "<U0042><U0047><U004E><U0020>"
currency_symbol "<U043B><U0432><U002E>"
mon_decimal_point "<U002C>"
mon_thousands_sep ""
mon_grouping -1
positive_sign ""
negative_sign "<U002D>"
int_frac_digits 2
frac_digits 2
p_cs_precedes 0
p_sep_by_space 1
n_cs_precedes 0
n_sep_by_space 1
p_sign_posn 1
n_sign_posn 1
decimal_point "<U002C>"
thousands_sep ""
grouping -1
% Era entries:
% - direction : must be + or -
% - offset year
% - starting date in ISO format (Y/M/D)
% - stopping date in ISO format
% - era name
% - era format
era "+:0:0<U002F>1<U002F>1:+*:<U0441><U043B><U002E><U043D><U002E><U0435><U002E>:%Ey<U0020>%EC";/
% what define era_year ?
%era_year ""
% Appropriate date and time representation
% "%A %e %B %Y %T %Z"
date_fmt "<U0025><U0041><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0042><U0020><U0025><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
% Appropriate date and time representation (%c) with abbreviations
% "%a %e %b %Y %T %Z"
d_t_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
% Appropriate date and time representation (%Ec) with abbreviations in alternate era format
% "%a %e %b %EY %T %Z"
era_d_t_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0045><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
% FIXME: as example for January %m output 01
% Correct for Bulgarian is 1, i.e. without leading zero
% NOTE: This is limitation of standard
% Appropriate date representation (%x)
% "%e.%m.%Y"
d_fmt "<U0025><U0065><U002E><U0025><U006D><U002E><U0025><U0059>"
% Appropriate date representation (%Ex) in alternate era format
% "%e.%m.%EY"
era_d_fmt "<U0025><U0065><U002E><U0025><U006D><U002E><U0025><U0045><U0059>"
% Appropriate time representation (%X)
% %T"
t_fmt "<U0025><U0054>"
% Appropriate time representation (%EX) in alternate era format
% not appropriate
%era_t_fmt ""
% Locale equivalent of AM/PM (%p)
% no equivalent
am_pm "";""
% Appropriate 12-hour time representation (%r)
% not appropriate (24h format if not set)
% t_fmt_ampm ""
% week
% Is used to define the number of days in a week, and which weekday
% is the first weekday (the first weekday has the value 1), and which
% week is to be considered the first in a year. The first operand is an
% integer specifying the number of days in the week. The second
% operand is an integer specifying the Gregorian date in the format
% YYYYMMDD, and it specifies a day that is a first weekday (all
% other first weekdays may then be calculated by adding or subtracting
% a whole multiplum of the number of days in the week as specified
% with the first operand). The third operand is an integer specifying the
% weekday number to be contained in the first week of the year. The
% third operand may also be understood as the number of days required
% in a week for it to be considered the first week of the year. If the
% keyword is not specified the values are taken as 7, 19971130 (a
% Sunday), and 7 (Saturday), respectively. ISO 8601 conforming
% applications should use the values 7, 19971201 (a Monday), and 4
% (Thursday), respectively. This keyword is optional.
week 7;19971201;1
% first_weekday
% Define the first day to be displayed, for example in a calendar
% display utility. The operand is an integer specifying the day number
% (1 = first) according to the information specified with the "day"
% keyword. The keyword may be omitted, and then the value 1 is
% taken, corresponding to Sunday for a week beginning Sunday, or to
% Monday for a week beginning Monday.
% NOTE set to one (cf. week)
first_weekday 1
% first_workday
% Define the first workday as an integer according to the day
% numbering specified with the "week" keyword.
% NOTE set to one (cf. week)
first_workday 1
% cal_direction
% Define the direction of the display of dates, for example in a calendar
% display utility. The operand is an integer, and the following values
% are defined:
% 1 left-right from top
% 2 top-down from left
% 3 right-left from top
% The keyword may be omitted, and then the value 1 is taken.
cal_direction 2
% Abbreviated weekday names (%a)
% NOTE: Keep two-characters for compatibility with old applications - cal
% NOTE: list start with abbreviation for sunday
% (violation of ISO/IEC TR14652:2002 ? - cf. week)
abday "<U043D><U0434>";/
% Full weekday names (%A)
% NOTE: list start with abbreviation for sunday
% (violation of ISO/IEC TR14652:2002 ? - cf. week)
day "<U043D><U0435><U0434><U0435><U043B><U044F>";/
% Abbreviated month names (%b)
% NOTE: Keep three-characters for compatibility with old coreutils (ver. < 6.x)
abmon "<U044F><U043D><U0443>";/
% Full month names (%B)
mon "<U044F><U043D><U0443><U0430><U0440><U0438>";/
yesexpr "<U005E><U005B><U002B><U0031><U0414><U0434><U0044><U0064><U0059><U0079><U004F><U006F><U005D><U002E><U002A>"
noexpr "<U005E><U005B><U002D><U0030><U041D><U043D><U004E><U006E><U004B><U006B><U005D><U002E><U002A>"
height 297
width 210
% Field descriptors for the "name_fmt" keyword:
% f Family names.
% F Family names in uppercase.
% g First given name.
% G First given initial.
% l First given name with latin letters. In some cultures, eg on Taiwan it is coustomary
% to also have a first name written with Latin letters, although the rest of the name
% is written in another script.
% o Other shorter name, eg. "Bill".
% m Additional given names.
% M Initials for additional given names.
% p Profession.
% s Salutation, such as "Doctor"
% S Abbreviated salutation, such as "Mr." or "Dr."
% d Salutation, using the FDCC-sets conventions, with
% 1 for the name_gen,
% 2 for name_mr,
% 3 for name_mrs,
% 4 for name_miss,
% 5 for name_ms.
% t If the preceding field descriptor resulted in an empty string, then the empty string,
% else a <space>.
% Each field descriptor may have an <R> after the <%> to specify that the information is
% taken from a Romanized version string of the entity. An initial is any string, normally
% consisting of one letter and a punctuation mark; the Dutch "IJ" is an example of a two
% character initial.
% This is the ISO/IEC TR 14652 "i18n" definition for
% the LC_NAME category.
% name_fmt "<U0025><U0070><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0067><U0025><U0074>/
% <U0025><U006D><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0066>"
% This corresponds to "%p%t%g%m%t%f" which is
% Profession Primary Additionals Family
% Appropriate name representation
% "%S%t%g%t%m%t%f"
name_fmt "<U0025><U0053><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0067><U0025><U0074><U0025><U006D><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0066>"
name_mr "<U0433><U002D><U043D>"
name_ms "<U0433><U002D><U0436><U0430>"
name_mrs "<U0433><U002D><U0436><U0430>"
name_miss "<U0433><U002D><U0436><U0438><U0446><U0430>"
% The LC_ADDRESS category defines the interpretation of a number of field descriptors.
% The field descriptors are also available in the definitions with the following
% LC_ADDRESS keywords: "postal_fmt".
% Field descriptors for the "postal_fmt" keyword:
% n Person's name, possibly constructed with LC_NAME.
% a Care of person, or organization.
% f Firm name.
% d Department name.
% b Building name.
% s Street or block (eg. Japanese) name.
% h House number or designation.
% N Insert an <end-of-line> if the previous descriptor's value was not an
% empty string; otherwise ignore.
% t Insert a <space> if the previous descriptor???s value was not an empty
% string; otherwise ignore.
% r Room number, door designation.
% e Floor number.
% C Country designation, from the <country_post> keyword.
% l Local township within town or city
% z Zip number, postal code.
% T Town, city.
% S State, province, or prefecture.
% c Country, as taken from data record.
% Each field descriptor may have an <R> after the <%> to specify that the
% information is taken from a Romanized version string of the entity.
% NOTE: There are a number of variations for specifying a location among the cultures.
% Some of the information, like the middle names, or even the family name, is not used
% in some cultures. The specification here should be regarded as a starting point for this
% problem.
% This is the ISO/IEC TR 14652 "i18n" definition for the LC_ADDRESS category:
% postal_fmt "<U0025><U006E><U0025><U004E>/
% <U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0066><U0025><U004E>/
% <U0025><U0064><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0062><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0073>/
% <U0020><U0025><U0068><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0072>/
% <U0025><U004E><U0025><U006C><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0043><U002D>/
% <U0025><U007A><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0025><U004E>/
% <U0025><U0053><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0063><U0025><U004E>"
% = "%n%N%a%N%f%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%l%N%C-%z %T%N%S%N%c%N" resulting in
% Person's_Name
% C/o_person_or_org
% Firm
% Department
% Building_name
% Street_or_block number floor room
% Local_township
% Country-Zip City
% State_or_province
% Country
% NOTE nobody uses postal format (reserved for future use)
% Expected Bulgarian address format:
% "%n%N%a%N%f%N%d%N%b%N%s %h, %e, %r%N%z %T%N%c%N" resulting in
% Person's_Name
% C/o_person_or_org
% Firm name
% Department_name
% Building_name
% Street_or_block number, floor, room
% Postal_code City
% Country
% BUG: %n escape sequence from ISO/IEC 14652:2002 is not supported by glibc
% => "%a%N%f%N%d%N%b%N%s %h, %e, %r%N%z %T%N%c%N"
%postal_fmt "<U0025><U006E><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E>/
%without leading "%n%N":
postal_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E>/
% Country name in the language of the current document
country_name "<U0411><U044A><U043B><U0433><U0430><U0440><U0438><U044F>"
% "BG"
country_post "<U0042><U0047>"
% Two letter code of the country (cf. ISO-3166)
% "BG"
country_ab2 "<U0042><U0047>"
% Three letter code of the country (cf. ISO-3166)
% "BGR"
country_ab3 "<U0042><U0047><U0052>"
% Three digit code of the country (cf. ISO-3166)
country_num 100
% Code for country car numbers
% "BG"
country_car "<U0042><U0047>"
% ISBN code, for books
country_isbn 954
% Language name in the language of the current document
lang_name "<U0431><U044A><U043B><U0433><U0430><U0440><U0441><U043A><U0438>"
% References to ISO-639 map in format:
% ("English name", 639-1-code, 639-2/T-code, 639-2/B-code)
% = (lang_name, lang_ab, lang_term, lang_lib=lang_term if not set)
% = ("Bulgarian", bg, bul, bul)
% "bg"
lang_ab "<U0062><U0067>"
% "bul"
lang_term "<U0062><U0075><U006C>"
% "+%c %a %l"
tel_int_fmt "<U002B><U0025><U0063><U0020><U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U006C>"
% "0%a %l"
tel_dom_fmt "<U0030><U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U006C>"
% "359"
int_prefix "<U0033><U0035><U0039>"
% "00"
int_select "<U0030><U0030>"
measurement 1
#define __STDC_VERSION__ 199901L
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <monetary.h>
#include <math.h>
static void
do_time_test(const char *tm_fmt, const struct tm *tm) {
char s[1024];
size_t l;
l = strftime(s, sizeof(s)-1, tm_fmt, tm);
printf("l=%d\ttm_fmt='%s'\ts='%s'\n", l, tm_fmt, s);
static void
test_time_formats_tm(struct tm *tm) {
do_time_test("%c" , tm);
do_time_test("%Ec", tm);
do_time_test("%C" , tm);
do_time_test("%EC", tm);
do_time_test("%C %EC", tm);
do_time_test("%x" , tm);
do_time_test("%Ex", tm);
do_time_test("%X" , tm);
do_time_test("%EX", tm);
do_time_test("%y" , tm);
do_time_test("%Ey", tm);
do_time_test("%Y" , tm);
do_time_test("%EY", tm);
static void
test_time_formats(void) {
time_t t = 0; /* 1.1.1990 */
struct tm *tm;
tm = localtime(&t);
printf("=== time formats ===\n");
printf("--- 1.1.1990 ---\n");
/* NOTE: day of week is not correct */
tm->tm_year = -1900;
printf("--- 1.1.0 ---\n");
printf("--- 1.1.-1 ---\n");
tm->tm_year = -1901;
static void
do_test_monetary(double amt) {
char buf[128];
strfmon(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%i\t%n", amt, amt);
printf("%s\n", buf);
static void
test_monetary_formats(void) {
printf("=== monetary formats ===\n");
static void
do_test_numeric(double amt) {
printf("%'.2f\t%.2f\n", amt, amt);
static void
test_numeric_formats(void) {
printf("=== numeric formats ===\n");
int main() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
#! /bin/sh
for MON in 01 04; do
for H in 01 13; do
DATE="2010-${MON}-01 ${H}:02:03"
printf '%s\n' "$BLOCKSEP"
printf '%s:\t' "$DATE"; date -d "$DATE"
FMT='+%c' ; printf '%s\t\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%x' ; printf '%s (date)\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%X' ; printf '%s (time)\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%y' ; printf '%s (s-year)\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%Y' ; printf '%s (year)\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
#%E modifier - %Ec, %EC, %Ex, %EX, %Ey, %EY
FMT='+%Ec' ; printf '%s (+era)\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%Ex' ; printf '%s (date+era)\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%EX' ; printf '%s (time+era)\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%Ey' ; printf '%s (s-year+era)\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%EY' ; printf '%s (year+era)\t\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%C %EC' ; printf '%s (cent+era)\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
FMT='+%r' ; printf '%s (12-hour time)\t' "$FMT"; date -d "$DATE" "$FMT"
#printf 'rfc-2822\t' ; date -d "$DATE" --rfc-2822
#printf 'rfc-3339+sec.\t' ; date -d "$DATE" --rfc-3339=seconds
# printf 'long\t\t' ; date -d "1901-09-13"
# printf 'long\t\t' ; date -d "1901-12-13"
# printf 'long\t\t' ; date -d "1901-12-14"
# number of week are non conformant to Bulgarian
printf '%s\n' "$BLOCKSEP"
printf '%s\n' '%U %W %V %G ... (week tests)'
date -d '2009-12-31' '+%U %W %V %G'
date -d '2010-01-01' '+%U %W %V %G'
date -d '2010-01-04' '+%U %W %V %G'
--- bg_BG-origin 2009-05-30 19:31:35.000000000 +0300
+++ bg_BG 2010-03-28 14:19:22.895653733 +0300
@@ -1,44 +1,58 @@
comment_char %
escape_char /
+% Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+% Copyright (C) 2010 Roumen Petrov <transl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+% Bulgarian locale for Bulgaria
+% Contact: Roumen Petrov
+% Email: transl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+% Contact: Linux Users Group - Bulgaria
+% Email: lug-bg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+% Contact: Bulgarian translators' team
+% Email: <dict@xxxxxxxxxx>
+% Language: bg
+% Territory: BG
+% Revision: 3.0.1
+% Date: 2010-03-23
+% Application: general
+% Users: general
+% Charsets: UTF-8, ISO-8859-5, KOI8-R, CP1251
+% Distribution and use is free, also for commercial purposes.
-% Distribution and use is free, also
-% for commercial purposes.
-% Note: bg_BG is a base locale. Since there are different character
-% sets used with Cyrillic, it's highly recommended to generate system
-% locales in most of the used variants. When compiling system locales
-% from this one, please consider using a common naming scheme, like
-% this: bg_BG.CP1251 (CP1251 is for coresponding charset), bg_BG.KOI8R,
-% bg_BG.ISO88595 and bg_BG.UTF8.
title "Bulgarian locale for Bulgaria"
-source "Linux Society Bulgaria"
-address "develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-contact "Delyan Toshev"
-email "delyant@xxxxxxxxx"
+source ""
+address ""
+contact "GNU libc maintainers"
+email "bug-glibc-locales@xxxxxxx"
tel ""
fax ""
language "Bulgarian"
territory "Bulgaria"
-revision "2.0.1"
-date "2002-09-10"
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_IDENTIFICATION
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_CTYPE
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_COLLATE
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_TIME
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_NUMERIC
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_MONETARY
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_MESSAGES
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_PAPER
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_NAME
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_ADDRESS
-category "bg_BG:2000";LC_TELEPHONE
+audience "general"
+application "general"
+revision "3.0.1"
+date "2010-03-23"
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_IDENTIFICATION
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_CTYPE
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_COLLATE
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_MONETARY
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_NUMERIC
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_TIME
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_MESSAGES
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_PAPER
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_NAME
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_ADDRESS
+category "bg_BG:2002";LC_TELEPHONE
+category "posix:1993";LC_MEASUREMENT
copy "i18n"
@@ -47,121 +61,19 @@
-% We have made the following changes to the basic collation scheme in
-% the file iso14651_t1:
-% 1. The Cyrillic script is first in the order.
-% 2. The non-Bulgarian Cyrillic letters are sorted according to
-% their transliteration with Bulgarian Cyrillic letters.
+% Copy the template from ISO/IEC 14651
copy "iso14651_t1"
-reorder-after <9>
-reorder-after <U0433>
-<U0453> <CYR-GHE>;<CYR-GZHE>;<MIN>;IGNORE % Mac. gje
-reorder-after <U0434>
-<U0455> "<CYR-DE><CYR-ZE>";"<LIG><LIG>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE % CYR-DZE
-reorder-after <U0435>
-reorder-after <U0438>
-<U0406> <CYR-I>;<UKR-I>;<MIN>;IGNORE
-<U0457> <CYR-I>;<UKR-YI>;<MIN>;IGNORE
-reorder-after <U043A>
-reorder-after <U043B>
-reorder-after <U043D>
-reorder-after <U0443>
-reorder-after <U0447>
-reorder-after <U0413>
-<U0403> <CYR-GHE>;<CYR-GZHE>;<CAP>;IGNORE % Mac. gje
-reorder-after <U0414>
-<U0405> "<CYR-DE><CYR-ZE>";"<LIG><LIG>";"<CAP><CAP>";IGNORE % CYR-DZE
-reorder-after <U0415>
-reorder-after <U0418>
-<U0456> <CYR-I>;<UKR-I>;<CAP>;IGNORE
-<U0407> <CYR-I>;<UKR-YI>;<CAP>;IGNORE
-reorder-after <U0419>
-reorder-after <U041A>
-reorder-after <U041B>
-reorder-after <U041D>
-reorder-after <U0423>
-reorder-after <U0427>
int_curr_symbol "<U0042><U0047><U004E><U0020>"
-currency_symbol "<U043B><U0432>"
+currency_symbol "<U043B><U0432><U002E>"
mon_decimal_point "<U002C>"
-mon_thousands_sep "<U00A0>"
-mon_grouping 3;3
+mon_thousands_sep ""
+mon_grouping -1
positive_sign ""
negative_sign "<U002D>"
int_frac_digits 2
@@ -174,25 +86,116 @@
n_sign_posn 1
decimal_point "<U002C>"
thousands_sep ""
-grouping 3;3
+grouping -1
-d_t_fmt "<U0025><U0078><U0020><U0028><U0025><U0061><U0029><U0020>/
+% Era entries:
+% - direction : must be + or -
+% - offset year
+% - starting date in ISO format (Y/M/D)
+% - stopping date in ISO format
+% - era name
+% - era format
+era "+:0:0<U002F>1<U002F>1:+*:<U0441><U043B><U002E><U043D><U002E><U0435><U002E>:%Ey<U0020>%EC";/
+ "+:0:-1<U002F>12<U002F>31:-*:<U043F><U0440><U002E><U043D><U002E><U0435><U002E>:%Ey<U0020>%EC"
+% what define era_year ?
+%era_year ""
+% Appropriate date and time representation
+% "%A %e %B %Y %T %Z"
+date_fmt "<U0025><U0041><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0042><U0020><U0025><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
+% Appropriate date and time representation (%c) with abbreviations
+% "%a %e %b %Y %T %Z"
+d_t_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
+% Appropriate date and time representation (%Ec) with abbreviations in alternate era format
+% "%a %e %b %EY %T %Z"
+era_d_t_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0045><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
+% FIXME: as example for January %m output 01
+% Correct for Bulgarian is 1, i.e. without leading zero
+% NOTE: This is limitation of standard
+% Appropriate date representation (%x)
+% "%e.%m.%Y"
d_fmt "<U0025><U0065><U002E><U0025><U006D><U002E><U0025><U0059>"
-t_fmt "<U0025><U006B><U002C><U0025><U004D><U002C><U0025><U0053>"
+% Appropriate date representation (%Ex) in alternate era format
+% "%e.%m.%EY"
+era_d_fmt "<U0025><U0065><U002E><U0025><U006D><U002E><U0025><U0045><U0059>"
+% Appropriate time representation (%X)
+% %T"
+t_fmt "<U0025><U0054>"
+% Appropriate time representation (%EX) in alternate era format
+% not appropriate
+%era_t_fmt ""
+% Locale equivalent of AM/PM (%p)
+% no equivalent
am_pm "";""
-t_fmt_ampm "<U0025><U006C><U002C><U0025><U004D><U002C><U0025><U0053>"
-date_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0065>/
-first_weekday 2
-first_workday 2
+% Appropriate 12-hour time representation (%r)
+% not appropriate (24h format if not set)
+% t_fmt_ampm ""
+% week
+% Is used to define the number of days in a week, and which weekday
+% is the first weekday (the first weekday has the value 1), and which
+% week is to be considered the first in a year. The first operand is an
+% integer specifying the number of days in the week. The second
+% operand is an integer specifying the Gregorian date in the format
+% YYYYMMDD, and it specifies a day that is a first weekday (all
+% other first weekdays may then be calculated by adding or subtracting
+% a whole multiplum of the number of days in the week as specified
+% with the first operand). The third operand is an integer specifying the
+% weekday number to be contained in the first week of the year. The
+% third operand may also be understood as the number of days required
+% in a week for it to be considered the first week of the year. If the
+% keyword is not specified the values are taken as 7, 19971130 (a
+% Sunday), and 7 (Saturday), respectively. ISO 8601 conforming
+% applications should use the values 7, 19971201 (a Monday), and 4
+% (Thursday), respectively. This keyword is optional.
+week 7;19971201;1
+% first_weekday
+% Define the first day to be displayed, for example in a calendar
+% display utility. The operand is an integer specifying the day number
+% (1 = first) according to the information specified with the "day"
+% keyword. The keyword may be omitted, and then the value 1 is
+% taken, corresponding to Sunday for a week beginning Sunday, or to
+% Monday for a week beginning Monday.
+% NOTE set to one (cf. week)
+first_weekday 1
+% first_workday
+% Define the first workday as an integer according to the day
+% numbering specified with the "week" keyword.
+% NOTE set to one (cf. week)
+first_workday 1
+% cal_direction
+% Define the direction of the display of dates, for example in a calendar
+% display utility. The operand is an integer, and the following values
+% are defined:
+% 1 left-right from top
+% 2 top-down from left
+% 3 right-left from top
+% The keyword may be omitted, and then the value 1 is taken.
+cal_direction 2
+% Abbreviated weekday names (%a)
+% NOTE: Keep two-characters for compatibility with old applications - cal
+% NOTE: list start with abbreviation for sunday
+% (violation of ISO/IEC TR14652:2002 ? - cf. week)
abday "<U043D><U0434>";/
@@ -200,6 +203,10 @@
+% Full weekday names (%A)
+% NOTE: list start with abbreviation for sunday
+% (violation of ISO/IEC TR14652:2002 ? - cf. week)
day "<U043D><U0435><U0434><U0435><U043B><U044F>";/
@@ -207,6 +214,9 @@
+% Abbreviated month names (%b)
+% NOTE: Keep three-characters for compatibility with old coreutils (ver. < 6.x)
abmon "<U044F><U043D><U0443>";/
@@ -219,6 +229,8 @@
+% Full month names (%B)
mon "<U044F><U043D><U0443><U0430><U0440><U0438>";/
@@ -234,50 +246,192 @@
yesexpr "<U005E><U005B><U002B><U0031><U0414><U0434><U0044><U0064><U0059><U0079><U004F><U006F><U005D><U002E><U002A>"
noexpr "<U005E><U005B><U002D><U0030><U041D><U043D><U004E><U006E><U004B><U006B><U005D><U002E><U002A>"
height 297
width 210
-name_fmt "<U0025><U0073><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0067><U0025><U0074>/
-name_mr "<U0433><U002D><U0434><U0438><U043D>"
+% Field descriptors for the "name_fmt" keyword:
+% f Family names.
+% F Family names in uppercase.
+% g First given name.
+% G First given initial.
+% l First given name with latin letters. In some cultures, eg on Taiwan it is coustomary
+% to also have a first name written with Latin letters, although the rest of the name
+% is written in another script.
+% o Other shorter name, eg. "Bill".
+% m Additional given names.
+% M Initials for additional given names.
+% p Profession.
+% s Salutation, such as "Doctor"
+% S Abbreviated salutation, such as "Mr." or "Dr."
+% d Salutation, using the FDCC-sets conventions, with
+% 1 for the name_gen,
+% 2 for name_mr,
+% 3 for name_mrs,
+% 4 for name_miss,
+% 5 for name_ms.
+% t If the preceding field descriptor resulted in an empty string, then the empty string,
+% else a <space>.
+% Each field descriptor may have an <R> after the <%> to specify that the information is
+% taken from a Romanized version string of the entity. An initial is any string, normally
+% consisting of one letter and a punctuation mark; the Dutch "IJ" is an example of a two
+% character initial.
+% This is the ISO/IEC TR 14652 "i18n" definition for
+% the LC_NAME category.
+% name_fmt "<U0025><U0070><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0067><U0025><U0074>/
+% <U0025><U006D><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0066>"
+% This corresponds to "%p%t%g%m%t%f" which is
+% Profession Primary Additionals Family
+% Appropriate name representation
+% "%S%t%g%t%m%t%f"
+name_fmt "<U0025><U0053><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0067><U0025><U0074><U0025><U006D><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0066>"
+name_mr "<U0433><U002D><U043D>"
name_ms "<U0433><U002D><U0436><U0430>"
name_mrs "<U0433><U002D><U0436><U0430>"
name_miss "<U0433><U002D><U0436><U0438><U0446><U0430>"
-postal_fmt "<U0025><U0066><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E>/
-country_name "<U0042><U0075><U006C><U0067><U0061><U0072><U0069><U0061>"
+% The LC_ADDRESS category defines the interpretation of a number of field descriptors.
+% The field descriptors are also available in the definitions with the following
+% LC_ADDRESS keywords: "postal_fmt".
+% Field descriptors for the "postal_fmt" keyword:
+% n Person's name, possibly constructed with LC_NAME.
+% a Care of person, or organization.
+% f Firm name.
+% d Department name.
+% b Building name.
+% s Street or block (eg. Japanese) name.
+% h House number or designation.
+% N Insert an <end-of-line> if the previous descriptor's value was not an
+% empty string; otherwise ignore.
+% t Insert a <space> if the previous descriptor???s value was not an empty
+% string; otherwise ignore.
+% r Room number, door designation.
+% e Floor number.
+% C Country designation, from the <country_post> keyword.
+% l Local township within town or city
+% z Zip number, postal code.
+% T Town, city.
+% S State, province, or prefecture.
+% c Country, as taken from data record.
+% Each field descriptor may have an <R> after the <%> to specify that the
+% information is taken from a Romanized version string of the entity.
+% NOTE: There are a number of variations for specifying a location among the cultures.
+% Some of the information, like the middle names, or even the family name, is not used
+% in some cultures. The specification here should be regarded as a starting point for this
+% problem.
+% This is the ISO/IEC TR 14652 "i18n" definition for the LC_ADDRESS category:
+% postal_fmt "<U0025><U006E><U0025><U004E>/
+% <U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0066><U0025><U004E>/
+% <U0025><U0064><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0062><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0073>/
+% <U0020><U0025><U0068><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0072>/
+% <U0025><U004E><U0025><U006C><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0043><U002D>/
+% <U0025><U007A><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0025><U004E>/
+% <U0025><U0053><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0063><U0025><U004E>"
+% = "%n%N%a%N%f%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%l%N%C-%z %T%N%S%N%c%N" resulting in
+% Person's_Name
+% C/o_person_or_org
+% Firm
+% Department
+% Building_name
+% Street_or_block number floor room
+% Local_township
+% Country-Zip City
+% State_or_province
+% Country
+% NOTE nobody uses postal format (reserved for future use)
+% Expected Bulgarian address format:
+% "%n%N%a%N%f%N%d%N%b%N%s %h, %e, %r%N%z %T%N%c%N" resulting in
+% Person's_Name
+% C/o_person_or_org
+% Firm name
+% Department_name
+% Building_name
+% Street_or_block number, floor, room
+% Postal_code City
+% Country
+% BUG: %n escape sequence from ISO/IEC 14652:2002 is not supported by glibc
+% => "%a%N%f%N%d%N%b%N%s %h, %e, %r%N%z %T%N%c%N"
+%postal_fmt "<U0025><U006E><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E>/
+%without leading "%n%N":
+postal_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E>/
+% Country name in the language of the current document
+country_name "<U0411><U044A><U043B><U0433><U0430><U0440><U0438><U044F>"
+% "BG"
country_post "<U0042><U0047>"
+% Two letter code of the country (cf. ISO-3166)
+% "BG"
country_ab2 "<U0042><U0047>"
+% Three letter code of the country (cf. ISO-3166)
+% "BGR"
country_ab3 "<U0042><U0047><U0052>"
+% Three digit code of the country (cf. ISO-3166)
country_num 100
+% Code for country car numbers
+% "BG"
country_car "<U0042><U0047>"
+% ISBN code, for books
country_isbn 954
-lang_name "<U0042><U0075><U006C><U0067><U0061><U0072><U0069><U0061><U006E>"
+% Language name in the language of the current document
+lang_name "<U0431><U044A><U043B><U0433><U0430><U0440><U0441><U043A><U0438>"
+% References to ISO-639 map in format:
+% ("English name", 639-1-code, 639-2/T-code, 639-2/B-code)
+% = (lang_name, lang_ab, lang_term, lang_lib=lang_term if not set)
+% = ("Bulgarian", bg, bul, bul)
+% "bg"
lang_ab "<U0062><U0067>"
+% "bul"
lang_term "<U0062><U0075><U006C>"
-tel_int_fmt "<U0028><U002B><U0025><U0063><U0020><U0025><U0061><U0029><U0020><U0025><U006C>"
-tel_dom_fmt "<U0028><U0030><U0025><U0061><U0029><U0020><U0025><U006C>"
+% "+%c %a %l"
+tel_int_fmt "<U002B><U0025><U0063><U0020><U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U006C>"
+% "0%a %l"
+tel_dom_fmt "<U0030><U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U006C>"
+% "359"
int_prefix "<U0033><U0035><U0039>"
+% "00"
int_select "<U0030><U0030>"
measurement 1
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