Re: lug-bg: Traffic quota
- Subject: Re: lug-bg: Traffic quota
- From: tuptac@xxxxxxx (Tuptac)
- Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 20:07:26 -0700
> Toia vapros me muchi dosta vreme
> nai-dobrote reshenie spored men e da se slozi RADIUS na servera
> no ima i drugo:
> bandtwidth limiting daemon, ot tipa na ipld (toi na men nai-mi haresva)
> Ako te interesuva, kazi mi kade da ti go pratia
> Drogo reshenie e iproute
> Sas tia dvete djadji ogranichavash skorostta kato pich
Mersi za infoto, po-dobre az da go potyrsq, che po mail ne mi e mnogo udobno inache tuptac@xxxxxxx
> Sas statistikata obache shte ti e malko po-trudno
> specialno za vremeto
Az namerih nqkwa programka deto zasicha trafik: NET accounting for Linux, paketa e net-acct-0.4.tgz
eto izwadka ot readme:
Why would you want to use this?
- You are providing IP to customers and want to charge them based on the
traffic they generate.
- You are a statistics freak and want to see how much of your network traffic
is for NetNews, FTP, WWW etc.
inache za wreme mi se motaeshe nqkyw daemon no ne pomnq imeto. Drug nachin da se zaseche e da se smqtq ot login logowete.
> problema e, che ti lesno mozesh da zasechesh vremeto, prekarano ot
> userite,
> dokato sa polzvali http,
> obache shte ti e mnogo trudno da otchetesh vremeto za ICQ naprimer (pone
> az
> ne mozah da go napravia, ako
> ne se puska pppd).
predpolagam che sys nego i ICQ shte moje da se zasicha. Izteglil sym go ot sunsite.
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