lug-bg: Za BG Localizaciya !
- Subject: lug-bg: Za BG Localizaciya !
- From: jordanp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jordan P. Petkov)
- Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:39:25 +0300
Peter Kokosharov wrote:
> Zdraveite momsheta,
> -- nachalo na otgovora
> Thank for your interest.
> Indeed so far I haven't seen any Bulgarian translations nowere.
> Only one has been sent to use recently, using the windows cp1251 encoding.
> And now I wonder, what is the standard charset encoding to be used for
> Bulgarian in Linux ? (What is you use for email and news, web pages etc ?)
> Is it iso-8859-5, koi8-e, cp1251, ... ?
Az mislq CP1251, to si e 'defakto' standart, nishto 4e ne se 'xapecBa' ot wsi4ki
> That has to be sorted out before beginning to translate.
> Also, there isn't any locale definition for Bulgarian yet neither.
> But that isn't so hard to do. I need:
> * a description of the alphabetical sorting
Za towa ima BDS.
Shte se opitam da go namerq, no ne obeshtawam ....
ako ima nqkoi s dostyp do 'baza danni' s BDS i merak da potyrsi, neka go
kakto i da e, reda e sledniq: interwal, cifri, glawni bukwi, malki bukwi.
znam, 4e dolnata 4erta ( underscore, _ ) Q NQMA W STANDARTA :))))
> * the names (full and abbreviated) of weekdays an months
weekdays: (kojto 4ete kirilica:)
Ïîíåäåëíèê, Ïîí.
Âòîðíèê, Âò.
Ñðÿäà, Ñð.
×åòâúðòúê, ×åòâ.
Ïåòúê, Ïåò.
Ñúáîòà, Ñúá.
Íåäåëÿ, Íåä.
NOTE: towa e reda po standart.
(zabelezhete: `date +%w` dawa nomera na denq ot sedmicata broeno ot SUN=0,no w
BG ne e taka)
Syshto taka po standart to4kata e zadylzhitelna.
(towa oba4e moje da dowede do nqkoi problemi maj ....)
ßíóàðè, ßí.
Ôåâðóàðè, Ôåâ.
Ìàðò, Ìàðò (íå ñå ñúêðàùàâà)
Àïðèë, Àïð.
Ìàé, Ìàé
Þíè, Þíè
Þëè, Þëè
Àâãóñò, Àâã.
Ñåïòåìâðè, Ñåïò.
Îêòîìâðè, Îêò.
Íîåìâðè, Íîåì.
Äåêåìâðè, Äåê.
> * the way to represent dates and time (here too full and abbreviated; eg
> for french abbreviated is '%d/%m/%Y' and full is '%A %d de %B %Y'
> (%A=full weekday name, %a=abbr weekday name, %B and %b=full and abbr month
> names, %d=day of month, %m=month number, %Y=year, %H=hour (in 24h),
> %I=hour (in 12h), %p=AM/PM string, %M=minutes, %S=seconds)
"%-d.%-m.'%y" - kawi4kite sa wazhni za da izleze apostrofa!!!
(standarta pozwolqwa i dwete)
"%A, %-d-òè %B, %Yã." - kawi4kite sa wazhni za da izlqzat pauzite!!!
Ne znam tuk kak shte stane, shtoto imame 1-âè , 2-ðè è íàãîðå e H-òè.
Za towa ne sym siguren dali ima standart, no e wyzprieto
%k:%M:%S (po-skoro towa)
> * the way to represent numbers and money (eg is it 1000 or 1,000 or 1.000 for
> a thousand; what is the symbol of the monetary unit etc.)
razdelitel za cqlo i drobna 4ast - zapetaq (,)
razdelitel za hilqdi(thousand) - nqma.
(Wyzprieto e da se otdelqt s pauza, ili po star stil s apostrof, no po
'standart' nqma razdelitel)
monetaren znak - ' ëâ.' (pauza, lw, to4ka) - groooozno :(
> * and the charset encoding that is used.
pored men CP1251, defakto we4e standart za BG
> Having that we can begin to translate
> --- kray na otgovora
Oshte edna zabelezhka:
sykrashteniqta na meseci, dni ot sedmicata i pr. w bylgarskiq ezik
sa s NEFIKSIRANA dylzhina, za razlika ot EN, kydeto sa to4no 3 simwola.
Mislq 4e towa moje da e problem ...
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