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lug-bg: VUPROS kum ALL??????????

  • Subject: lug-bg: VUPROS kum ALL??????????
  • From: altea@xxxxxx (Peter Kokosharov)
  • Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:53:14 +0300

Zdraveite momsheta,
radvam se che nai posle i az stanah clen na grupata!!!!!!!!!!

S interes nabludavah kakvi otzvuci nabra pismoto na zema mi - bravo,
blagodarya vi, ama me ya uhazvaite prekaleno mnogo, tya e zaeta !!!!!!!

Sega konkretno - vmesto da se karame koja distribuciya e nay dobra, neka
da postavya na vasheto vnimanie edin po-konkreten vupros:

Ot Mandrake mi izpratiha slednite VUPROSY:

> Hello!
> I'm bilgarian!
> You'r distributiv is great!
> Please, send me full texts in any format and i translate in bulgarian!

-- nachalo na otgovora

Thank for your interest.
Indeed so far I haven't seen any Bulgarian translations nowere.
Only one has been sent to use recently, using the windows cp1251

And now I wonder, what is the standard charset encoding to be used for
Bulgarian in Linux ? (What is you use for email and news, web pages etc
Is it iso-8859-5, koi8-e, cp1251, ... ?

That has to be sorted out before beginning to translate.
Also, there isn't any locale definition for Bulgarian yet neither.

But that isn't so hard to do. I need:

* a description of the alphabetical sorting
* the names (full and abbreviated) of weekdays an months
* the way to represent dates and time (here too full and abbreviated; eg

  for french abbreviated is '%d/%m/%Y' and full is '%A %d de %B %Y'
  (%A=full weekday name, %a=abbr weekday name, %B and %b=full and abbr
  names, %d=day of month, %m=month number, %Y=year, %H=hour (in 24h),
  %I=hour (in 12h), %p=AM/PM string, %M=minutes, %S=seconds)
* the way to represent numbers and money (eg is it 1000 or 1,000 or
1.000 for
  a thousand; what is the symbol of the monetary unit etc.)
* and the charset encoding that is used.

Having that we can begin to translate

--- kray na otgovora

Poneze ne sum upulomoshten ot vas gi postavjam na obsyzdane - ne moze
Rumynzi, Hyrvati i Syrby (3 voyni za 4 godini) da imat nacionalen prevod
i localizacii, a nie ne;
Ako reshim tezi neshta, moze i da doziveem miga, kogato nay-posle se
opravy Mozzila - a be ako nyakoy mi kaze che razchira pod Linux ili - evala i kakvo pie; imam predvid
list-boxsovete i butonite, inache tekstovete i az gi sheta;

Ne iskam da vi pokaza chervenata kurpa, ako svurchim rabotata na
Mandrake ste mozem da go prenesem navsyakude - i na RH, i na SW,i na
Debian ,  puk ako iskate i na ...........Turbo-linux ili Plug and Play

E, nakraya ste dobavja che nakraya ste spechelyat vsichki, ama mai tyja,
koito sa kupili domnaina poveshe, ama kakto i da e.

Ako mislite che temata e shastichna i ne zasyaga vsishki, a samo
fenovete na redHat i Mandrake - pishete mi na
mailto:altea@xxxxxx?subject= Za BG Localizaciya !
Thanks predvaritelno!!!!!!!!!

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