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Re: [lug-bg: Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:33:11 +0200]

  • Subject: Re: [lug-bg: Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:33:11 +0200]
  • From: iivanov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ivan Ivanov)
  • Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 19:55:33 +0300

Petko Boukov wrote:

> "Nikola Vodenicharov" <nikolav@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >1. Nyakoy probval li e RedHat 6.1 i k'vo mu e mnenieto. Sega sam sas 6.0 i se
> chudya ima li smisal ot apgrade.
> Ami ako dadeno distro ti haresva, kakva prichina bi imal da otlagash
> minavaneto kym sledvashtata mu versija. Za sebe si znam, che shte se
> upgrade-na v momenta, v kojto go dokopam. Ako ne go napravish, to pone gledaj
> da svalish i da instalirash tehnite 'security patches' kym 6.0 - te sa nad 20.
> Tova e ako poddyrzhash server de, inache ne e zor. Za rab. stancija obache KDE
> 1.1.2 e naj-pipnatijat grafichen interface syshtestvuval njakoga za computer.
> > Malko e vstrani ot temata na grupata, no ako nyakoy mi kazhe nomer
> za StarOffice 5.1 za Windows (s izvinenie) shte sam mu mnogo priznatelen.
> Taja rabota s nomerata e mnogo smeshna. Po vremeto kogato v CD-to na PC World
> se pojavi SO5.1 az go bjah izteglil v rabotata. Kato idesh na tjahnata
> stranica veche ne ti davat nomer, zashtoto versijata, kojato sega mozhesh da
> izteglish, veche ne iska nomer. Zanesoh u doma setup.exe, setup.inf i razni
> drugi, s koito smenih tezi ot CD-to, ama prodylzhava da iska nomer. Koj znae
> ot koj file zavisi tova?
> Petko

However, Sun wants to make sure that all our new and old customers
have the best possible experience with Star Office software. We will
now release a key for general use of the old product with the
following conditions:

1) Users commit to registering on the Sun website,

2) Users understand that any fixes, patches, or service packs will be
provided for the Sun release only. All Star Division subscriptions and
support contracts will be honored, and the new CD is on the way now to
these customers now, enabling them to continue to get high quality
support into the future.

You must enter the following string:

Sun Free Download Version

as the company name on the registration page exactly as spelled here
with all capitalization correct

Then for the key, enter


exactly as written.

These steps will enable you to run the older version of Star Office
until you get the opportunity to upgrade to the current release.

Thanks and kind regards

Matthias Panczyk
Manager StarOffice Competence Center

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