lug-bg: Kernel, Apache, more than 512 processes
- Subject: lug-bg: Kernel, Apache, more than 512 processes
- From: jimmy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dimitar Jekov)
- Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:27:38 +0200
>Znaci ne govorim za apache ili anonimous ftp - govorim za JavaAplication,
>kato Server, kojato da poddurja 2000 nichki po koito ima trafic 50
A, threads, ne processes, towa e druga rabota. Za momenta dwete neshta
pochti ili sywsem sywpadat, i threads sa realizirani on the top of
processes. Dokolkoto znam se raboti w taia nasoka, osobeno wyw wryzka s
mnogoprocesornite konfiguracii. Ochakwa se niakoi den da imame (1) processes
on the top of threads, koeto e The Right Thing i (2) wyprosnite threads da
sa s minimalen overhead i prakticheski neogranichen broj. W 2.2.4 shte ima
poweche ili po-malko ot (2) i nishto ili pochti nishto ot (1).
E-gards: Jimmy
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