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Re: lug-bg: Fw: That damned Linux and

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: Fw: That damned Linux and
  • From: long@xxxxxx (Alexander Popov)
  • Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 17:11:47 +0200

Mi towa mi zwuchi kato:

Shopen e gaden shtoto trqbwa da razbirash ot hubawa muzika za da go
slushash... Ostawete sina mi da si se uchi na Sashka Wasewa - tq e lesno

----- Original Message -----
From: "Teodor Georgiev" <teodor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <lug-bg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 5:36 PM
Subject: lug-bg: Fw: That damned Linux and

>     Tova e pismo ot thread v edin mailing list na isp-planet, a imenno
> isp-nt...
> Chetete i se posmeite. Kakvi umni hora sa amerikancite.
> Mi da me proshtavat, ama s toia nachin na mislene na srednia amerikanec,
> nishto chudno, che edna shepa riazani
> bradati polugramotni kozli sa im vzeli straha i koshmara.
> Kakto kazvashe moiata uchitelka po filosofia: "Srednostatisticheskiat
> amerikanec e s izkluchitelno niska kultura,
> agresiven i s nadnormeno teglo".
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dennis Bauer" <dbauer@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: <isp-nt@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 3:31 PM
> Subject: RE: That damned Linux and
> > Along these lines I totally agree.  I can still program with the some of
> > the best of them and yet I would rather be a sys admin (not saying that
> > I have a total brain here)  but I would like to point out ALL HAIL UNCLE
> > BILL because with out some of the crap that he puts out I would not have
> > a job at least I can do something that I like.  All I am saying is why
> > make things harder then they need to be.  Make it easy because not
> > everyone wants to know all the things that you would have to know with
> > Linux they just want a computer to type there papers and get emails and
> > some even like to program in Windows.  I like Microsoft (even though I
> > use to work for them) to the extent that I teach my son how to program
> > with C++ and VB so he knows what he wants to know without having to know
> > a lot of extra crap about how the OS works.  He just wants to play games
> > and tinker anyway so why discourage him with trying to understand how to
> > run a shell when if he wants I will teach him or he will learn on his
> > own.  I have to say that all of the Microsoft Bashing that goes on is
> > because everyone wants to know how to get the code for the Operating
> > systems so that you can tweak then.  If that is not the case then why
> > bother bashing them in the first place run what you like.  I run
> > multiple platforms all the time there are something's that I like to do
> > in Linux something's that I like to do in Windows.  So it makes little
> > difference to me what OS is out and is the flavor of the month.  I will
> > tell you that real computer people are the same.  They don't care what
> > OS is on the machine because they have their favorite and ones they
> > hate.  But bashing gets you know where because all the people that you
> > bash one will be the person to help you on another day.
> >
> > Dennis Bauer
> > Colorado School of Mines
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Phillip Zadarnowski [mailto:fanjet@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:38 AM
> > To: isp-nt@xxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: That damned Linux and
> >
> >
> > bscott@xxxxxxxxxx said:
> >
> > > On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Phillip Zadarnowski wrote:
> >
> > >> If I had kids at school, Linux and some half-assed office software is
> >
> > >> the last thing I'd want them learning to use.
> >
> > >Ahem.  I object to the "half-assed" comment.
> >
> > Objection overruled :-)
> >
> > >I also ask why you would
> > >want your hypothetical children learning only how to use particular
> > >application or operating system, rather than learning how to use a
> > computer.
> > >That is what your comment implies.
> >
> > Because its like learning to drive under the rules of a particular
> > country and state, not just learning to drive. One is very specific and
> > lets you get about legally and safely and productively in the state you
> > learn to drive in, the other is generic and while you can surely "drive"
> > any vehicle, it isn't practical, legal or safe.
> >
> > >>If these children learned how to use a
> > >>computer, they would have no trouble ramping up on something new.
> >
> > I'm not sure what you think using a computer implies, but 90% plus
> > people use computers as the tool that it is, and the really important
> > part is the application knowledge. Few users can run a shell or a
> > command box to good effect. Windows, be it xwindows, Mac, or Win is
> > essentially generic. One thing for sure, experience in common and well
> > regarded software counts for more than knowing how to do some low-level
> > utility stuff across a half dozen platforms.
> >
> > I'm not advocating the dumbing down of users - they just start off that
> > way and very few need to progress outside of a set of packages and
> > procedures. The world is awash with Software Horrors, but MS, bless
> > Gates' black monopomistic soul, lets us face our daily (and nightly)
> > grind with some dignity.
> >
> > >>Only by brainwashing them into thinking that Microsoft is the only
> > >>software company in existence would there be a problem.
> >
> > That's just political talk, not practical talk.
> >
> > >> Also, the rest of the world isn't interested in the US's
> > >> categorization of monopoly companies.
> >
> > >True.  Of course, if anything, Microsoft is in more trouble with
> > >anti-trust regulators outside of the US.  Both the EU and Japan have
> > >had their eye on them for some time.
> >
> > And none of them will do a damn thing because their legal systems are
> > virtually powerless in this regard.
> >
> > >>A computer system being used for production work requires significant
> > >>effort to administer, regardless of whether it is Microsoft-based,
> > >>Unix-based, or something else entirely. This misconception that NT and
> >
> > >>IIS are somehow "easier" to administer is what lead to things like
> > >>Code Red and Nimda being such a problem.
> >
> > No, absolute dimwitted coding by MS is what lets a malformed string
> > crash the package and OS into a unsecure heap, and MS isn't the only
> > one.
> >
> > True, amin is never easy, but there is considerably less messing around
> > in Windows.
> >
> > I'm a born-again geek - been down to the depths through pcode and
> > machine code to the heights of user idiocy and back. To me, the
> > transformation of my computer when I swap out Drive 1 "XP/W2K/98" with
> > Drive 2 "Redhat/SuSE" is going from a friendly relationship of some 6
> > years into a pit of darkened hell with its gadget-strewn desktops and
> > nerve-jangling would-be office systems.
> >
> > Dammit, I luv MS to death, I can't help it. I'm sure -- I can feel it in
> > my brittle bones -- that MS is secretly working up Billux V1.0 and
> > writing IE9.9 and Office LX to thrill the world in 2005. World Software
> > Domination for MS is just an announcement away. All your OS are belong
> > to us, and for good measure, all your Office Systems are belong to us
> > too, thus goes the MS litany of The Future according to Bill.
> >
> > Ah the good old days of OS9, Transputers, Occam and True Basic have left
> > me forever.
> >
> > Praise Bill.
> >
> >
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