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Re: lug-bg: startx [was: Problem s Xsevera]

  • Subject: Re: lug-bg: startx [was: Problem s Xsevera]
  • From: danchev@xxxxxxxxx (George Danchev)
  • Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 19:21:03 +0300

On Tuesday 09 July 2002 17:53, ßñåí Ïðàìàòàðîâ wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 03:33:47PM +0300, George Danchev wrote:
> >òàì å ðàáîòàòà ÷å íå ïîìíÿ íÿêúäå äà ñúì ïðî÷åë òîâà â 
> >/usr/share/doc/xserver-* . ðåøèõ òàêà (ìîæå äà ãðåøà, ðàçáèðà ñå) ñëåä 
> >ñëåäíèÿ òåñò: èçêîïèðàõ âñè÷êè ôàéëîâå íà root â home-a íà åäèí ïîòðåáèòåë
> > 
 (çà äà íå ïðîïóñíà íåùî êîåòî ã èìà ñàìî root), ïðîìåíèõ ñîáñòâåíîñòòà,
> > âêë è íà ~.Xauthority. ïðîìåíèõ ïðàâàòà òàêà ÷å âñè÷êè äà ìîãàò äà ïèøàò
> > â /var/log/Xfree86.log. Â /etx/X11/Xwrapper.config* ñëàãàõ çà
> >allowed_user=console è all ... 
>  Àìè íå ðàçáèðàì ìíîãî çàùî ãî ïðàâèø...

ÎÊ, ñåãà ùå òè îáÿñíÿ çàùî ;-) 
(òîâà ìîæå è äà å å debian specific, ìîæå è äà íå å) 

# man Xwrapper.config

       Xwrapper.config - configuration options for X server wrapper

       /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config contains a set of flags that determine some 
of the behavior of Debian's X server wrapper, which is installed on the 
system as /usr/X11R6/bin/X.  The purpose of the wrapper, and  of  this 
configuration file, is twofold.

       Firstly,  it  is  intended  to implement sound security practices.  
Since the X server requires superuser privileges, it may be unwise to permit 
just any user on the system to execute it.  Even if the  X  server is  not 
exploitable in the sense of permitting ordinary users to gain elevated 
privileges, a poorly-written or insufficiently-tested hardware driver for the 
X server may cause bus lockups and freeze  the  system, an unpleasant 
experience for anyone using it at the time.

       Secondly,  a  wrapper  is a convenient place to set up an execution 
environment for the X server distinct from the configurable parameters of the 
X server itself.

       Xwrapper.config may be edited by hand, but it is typically configured 
via debconf, the Debian  configuration  tool.   The X server wrapper is part 
of the xserver-common Debian package, therefore the parameters of 
Xwrapper.config may be changed with the command dpkg-reconfigure 
xserver-common.   See  dpkg-reconfigure(8) for more information.

       The format of Xwrapper.config is a text file containing a series of 
lines of the form


       where  name  is a variable name containing any combination of numbers, 
letters, or underscore (_) characters, and value is any combination of 
letters, numbers, underscores (_), dashes (-).  value may also contain  
spaces as long as there is at least one character from the list above 
bounding the space(s) on both sides.  Whitespace before and after name,value, 
or the equals sign is legal but ignored.  Any  lines  not matching  the above 
described legal format are ignored.  Note that this specification may change 
as the X server wrapper develops.

       Available options are:
              may be set to one of the following values: rootonly, console, 
anybody.   "rootonly"  indicates  that only  the  root user may start the X 
server; "console" indicates that root, or any user whose controlling TTY is a 
virtual console, may start the X server; and "anybody" indicates that  any  
user may start the X server.

              may be any integer in the interval [-20,19].  This is used to 
set the executing X server's process priority.  See nice(1).

       dpkg-reconfigure(8), nice(1)

       This manpage was written by Branden Robinson for Progeny Linux 
Systems, Inc., and Debian GNU/Linux.

Debian GNU/Linux                                   6 Jan 2001                 

>  $adduser test
>  [.... tintiri-mintiri, prostotii...]
>  -> òîâà, êîåòî ìè å êîïèðàëî îò /etc/skel, ðàçëè÷íî îò .mc, .fluxbox è 
> íÿêîè êîíôèãóðàöèè - muttrc, gtkrc, bashrc è ò.í. å ".xsession". Íî è íåãî
> íà 
 ðúêà ñúì êîïèðàë â skel...
>  Èçëèçàì â íîâà êîíçîëà..., ïðîáâàì....
>  wishmaster login: test
>  Password:
>  [....tintiri-....;)]
>  test@wishmaster:~$ startx
>  ðàáîòè ñè... òðúãâà Õ, çàëåæäà ñå ìåíèäæúðà (çà 2-3 ñåêóíäè, fluxbox;))
> â Xwrapper.config íèùî íå å ïèïàíî â debconf section-à è allowed_user=
> console ñàìî, áåç "all"...

èìàõ ïðåäâèä anybody , è äà ñëàãà ñå ñàìî ïî åäíî èëè anybody, èëè rootonly 
èëè console.

>  Êîëêîòî äî .Xauthority, òîé íå ñå ëè ñúçäàâà îò ñàìèÿ Õ, çàùî èçîáùî ãî 
> êîïèðàø îò /root?...

è X-ñà ñè ãî ãåíåðèðàùå ïðè startx, è âçåõ òîçè îò root è ìó ñìåíèõ 
ñîáñòâåíîñòòà äà îïèòàì-> no luck ;-)

> > íî ïúê îò äðóãà ñòðàíà çíàì ÷å XFree86 òðÿáâà äà ïèøå â /dev/mem (íåùî 
> >äîñòà îïàñíî) è çà òîâà òðÿáâà äà å suid root, òàêà ëè å íà íàèñòèíà ?
>  Ìîÿò /usb/bin/X11/XFree86 ne e suid root. Íî X e suid è sgid root...

àì àíäæúê äå ;-) /usr/X11R6/bin/X å wrapper-a çà XFree86. Êàêòî è äà å àêî 
èñêàø ïàê ìîæå äà äàäåø íà users äà ïóñêàò X-ñà, íî ïðè ìåí ñè ïðîäúëæàâà 
ñàìî root äà ìîæå ÷ðåç startx, äðóãèòå ïðåç display manager ñàìî ñëåä 
authentification, è ïîíå çà ñåãà íå ñúì ðàçáðàë çàùî å òàêà. 
Åòî òóêà åäíà ïîäîáíà äèñêóñèÿ, íî òÿ êàñàå ñëó÷àÿ êîãàòî user å ñòàðòèðàë X 
ñåñèÿ è ñå íóæäàå äà ñòàðòèðà ïðèëîæåíèå èçèñêâàùî root ïðèâèëåãèè, su.
[ïèùå è çà .Xauthority]

Êàêòî è äà å ãà èìàì âðåìå ùå âèäÿ äà purge è ðåèíñòàëë íÿêîè ÷àñòè îò X-ñà 
èëè öåëèÿ, ñåãà íå ìè ñå çàíèìàâà ;-)

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