Re: lug-bg: [net] bgp questions ?
- Subject: Re: lug-bg: [net] bgp questions ?
- From: floyd@email.domain.hidden (Rumen Milushev)
- Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 13:11:52 +0100
At 23:54 23.3.2003 'ã.' +0200, you wrote:
<em class="quotelev1">>hi,
<em class="quotelev1">>cheta si za BGP i imam dwa waprosa...
<em class="quotelev1">>1. Da kavem wyzan sam kam dwa dostawchika ISP1 i ISP2 normalno paketa bi
<em class="quotelev1">>trqbwalo da otide do siteX prez ISP1 (i da se wyrne pak prez ISP1) obache
<em class="quotelev1">>az da rechem promenqm nestata taka che wmesto paketa da mine prez ISP1
<em class="quotelev1">>minawa prez ISP2...
<em class="quotelev1">>Ima li nachin po koito da naprawq taka nestata che paketa pak da se wyrne
<em class="quotelev1">>prez ISP2 a ne prez ISP1..
<em class="quotelev1">>(ochakwa se che ISP1 e preffered-choice ako wsichko warwi normalno)
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">>me--------ISP1--------------siteX
<em class="quotelev1">> |_______ISP2__________|
Ako sym shwanal i stawa duma za Cisco IOS , to togawa setwash si MED
(multiple exit descriptor ) i Local Preference po twoia model i triabwa da
stane. A , btw , sega kakwi sesii wyrwiat s ISP-tata IBGP ili imash fake AS?
<p><em class="quotelev1">>Ta waprosa mi e kak se advertisvat moite mrevi prez dwata dostawchika taka
<em class="quotelev1">>che da rechem za wsichki w BG dostypa im do men da preminawa saotwetno i
<em class="quotelev1">>prez dwata ISP-ta, w zwisimost ot towa koi e po blizo.
<em class="quotelev1">>Moga li da naprawq towa kato prosto setna saowetnata :
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">>network x.x.x.x m.m.m.m
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">>komanda za adwertisvane i kam dwete mrevi ili trqbwa da se obadq i na
<em class="quotelev1">>dwata dostawchika te da me dobawqt rychno w tehnite BGP routeri... toest
<em class="quotelev1">>ima li wariqnt advertiswaneto da e ot men a ne ot dostawchicite..
<em class="quotelev1">>Za kakwo pitam ? taka pri wzimane na nowi adresi ne e nuvno da im se
<em class="quotelev1">>obavdam da prawqt nesto rychno po tehnite BGP routeri..
I towa e nachin , stiga da imash EBGP s ISP-tata , shtoto ako e IBGP niama
da se advertise na syseda. A ti ako prawish mrezhite w range , mozhezh da
im slozhish edin summary address i dokato ne swurshi range-to da ne mu
<p><em class="quotelev1">>Opa setih se oste edin wapros :")
<em class="quotelev1">>3. Sled kato BGP uprawlqwa routinga, kak postypwate za da upraflqwate
<em class="quotelev1">>trafika.. w smisal :
<em class="quotelev1">>Da rechem wzimam BG traffik ot dwama dostawchika, nachin po koito da
<em class="quotelev1">>markiram paketite taka che sled towa w traffik shaper-a da wleze pod edin
<em class="quotelev1">>class..
<em class="quotelev1">>Kakwo polzwate TOS fileds ili nesto drugo...
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">>aide che stanaha mnogo waprosite..:")
<em class="quotelev1">>
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