Re: lug-bg: SSH
- Subject: Re: lug-bg: SSH
- From: vlk@email.domain.hidden (Vesselin Kolev)
- Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 17:46:27 +0300
Hash: SHA1
Reshenieto e slednoto....
Puskash si PuTTY. otivash v Connection->SSH->Tunnels:
Otivash v sekciata "Port forwarding" na novootvorenia prozorec.
Izbirash dali porta, koito shte e izhod na SSH tunnela pri teb da
e ili da ne e dostypen za vyzhni connekcii.
Zadavash "source port": tova e porta, koito na tvoiata mashina e
kraia na SSH tunnela ot tvoiata gledna tochka.
V dolnoto pole "Destination" opisvash hosta i porta, koito e kraia
na tunnela v UNIX/Linux mashinata.
V tvoia sluchai:
Source port: 9999
Destination port: localhost:8888
Predi tova obache (nablegni na "predi") e nuzhno da napravish
tunnela m/u dvete UNIX/Linux mashini.
Primerno chrez
h -2 -N -f -L
pravish tunnel UNIX/Linux kym UNIX/Linux...
Takiva tuneli se narichat kaskadni!!!
Sled tova se logvash s PyTTY i traibva da rbaoti vsichko, kakto iskash.
T.e. ako ot windows se svyrshesh s localhost na port 9999 i iskash
FTP sesia... traibva da otidesh na 21/tcp na
Mislia, che e iasno, no ako iskash mozhesh da pitash i za drugi
interesuvashti te detaili.
Vesselin Kolev
On Friday 16 May 2003 17:06, Peter Zyumbilev wrote:
<em class="quotelev1">> Zdraveite,
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> Niakoi znae li kak moje tova da se realizira POD WINDOWS s putty ili nesto
<em class="quotelev1">> podobno ? na men po prncip mi tribva slednoto
<em class="quotelev1">> windows ---ssh-port:9999--- >linuxBox1 ---ftp---->LinuxBox2
<em class="quotelev1">> Moga da kntroliram windowsa i linuxBOX1
<em class="quotelev1">> Eto reshenie(idea) ako parvai box beshe linux ...........
<em class="quotelev1">> Gledam che ima nikavi tuneli v putty no ne moga da gi naglasia...
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> Bypassing a Draconian Firewall
<em class="quotelev1">> Some network administrators impose extremely Draconian firewall rules,
<em class="quotelev1">> filtering not only incoming connections, but outgoing connections. You may
<em class="quotelev1">> be only given access to contact remote machines on ports 22 and 80 for SSH
<em class="quotelev1">> and web surfing.
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> You may wish to access another (perhaps non-work related) service, such as
<em class="quotelev1">> an Ogg Vorbis server to stream music. If this Ogg Vorbis server is
<em class="quotelev1">> streaming on some other port than 22 or 80, you will not be able to access
<em class="quotelev1">> it.
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> The solution is to create an SSH connection to a machine outside of your
<em class="quotelev1">> network's firewall, and use it to tunnel to the Ogg Vorbis server.
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> % ssh -2 -N -f -L
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">>'s password: *******
<em class="quotelev1">>
<em class="quotelev1">> Pozdravi,
<em class="quotelev1">> BIVOL
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