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lug-bg: Re: lug-bg: Outlook/Exchange Thread-Index [Was: Re: lug-bg: Мамбо]

  • Subject: lug-bg: Re: lug-bg: Outlook/Exchange Thread-Index [Was: Re: lug-bg: Мамбо]
  • From: Dean Stoeff <dean@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:08:03 +0200

Колкото и да ме боли да го кажа, това може и да не е толкова просто :(

Някой намерил ли е - или поне чул ли е някой да е намерил - някакъв
начин да се обясни на Microsoft Outlook 2003 в комбинация с MS Exchange,
че външният свят *наистина* предпочита Message-Id и In-Reply-To вместо
Thread-Topic и Thread-Index? :(  Аз досега не съм успял :(


След кратко допитване до Google попаднах на следното :

UPDATE (10/07/2004):

Upon a lot of testing with Outlook 2000, Outlook XP and Outlook 2003 I have started to discover that the real problem lies within Outlook itself and not (neccesarily) Exchange Server as previously believed (although, a combination of the two could easily be the issue also). It may also lie in Outlook's transport mechanisim when it sends the message to the Exchange Server.

When Outlook is in IMAP mode (even connected to an Exchange server), threading occurs fine and no headers are stripped.

To demonstrate this (for Windows users):

1. Go to Mail (located in Control Panel)

2. Add a new profile named 'imap'.

3. Create a new account in this profile using IMAP settings rather than using MS Exchange (If your Exchange server is configured to accept IMAP, that is).

4. On the Mail window, check the 'Prompt for a profile to be used' radiobutton.

5. Hit Ok, close Outlook (if it's open) and reopen it. It should prompt you for a profile to use. Select the 'imap' profile.

6. Send a test message to your list and then reply-to-all.

7. Voila! The threading works...

Why this is happening isn't clear yet. It seems to have something to do with Outlook trashing headers when composing the envelope that it sends to the Exchange Server. In IMAP mode, Outlook uses smtp for the transport.

As for an eta on a fix, I am currently discussing the matter with Microsoft and as soon as I have more information, I will be sure to post it here.

Искам да подчертая, че това не сам го пробвал тъйкато не ползвам M$OL , но пък не пречи да го тестваш и ако върши работа да споделиш и с други читатели на Линукс списъка, които по една или друга причина ползват OL , да си решат проблема.

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